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    2. 如何使用 VB6 在 SQLite 中返回 AUTO INCREMENT 列的值


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                本文介绍了如何使用 VB6 在 SQLite 中返回 AUTO INCREMENT 列的值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我在 SQLite 中有一个表:

                创建表事件类型"([EventTypeID] 整数主键,[EventTypeName] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE);

                由于 EventTypeID 是一个整数和一个主键,这会自动使它成为一个自动递增的列,并且工作正常.

                我想在表中插入一行并从 VB6 中获取新增加的值.

                Dim oRs as Recordset将 oCmd 调为新命令oCmd.ActiveConnection = GetConnection()oCmd.Source = "插入 EventType (EventTypeName) 值 ('blah')"oCmd.执行

                是否有一种自动检索新创建的 EventTypeID 而无需发出另一个查询的方法(从 EventType 中选择 max(EventTypeID))?

                我似乎记得很久以前的 VB6 天,有一种方法可以做到这一点.


                SQLite 是否支持 SCOPE_IDENTITY?




                未经测试,但您应该能够在一次调用中发送两个语句.自从我写任何 VB6 以来已经有一段时间了.这也不是 SQL 注入安全.

                Dim oRs as Recordset将 sSql 调暗为字符串sSql = "INSERT INTO EventType (EventTypeName) VALUES ('blah'); SELECT last_insert_rowid() FROM EventType"oRs.Open sSql oConn

                I have a table in SQLite:

                CREATE TABLE "EventType" 
                [EventTypeID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 
                [EventTypeName] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE

                Since EventTypeID is an integer and a primary key, that automatically makes it an auto-incrementing column, and that works fine.

                I'd like to insert a row into the table and get the newly incremented value from VB6.

                Dim oRs as Recordset
                dim oCmd as new Command
                oCmd.ActiveConnection = GetConnection()
                oCmd.Source = "insert into EventType (EventTypeName) values ('blah')"

                Is there an automatic way to retrieve the newly created EventTypeID without having to issue another query (select max(EventTypeID) from EventType))?

                I seem to remember from VB6 days long time ago, that there was a way to do that.


                Does SQLite support SCOPE_IDENTITY?

                Check out the FAQ. The sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() function will do it. Careful of triggers though

                Not tested, but you should be able to send both statements in one call. It's been a while since I wrote any VB6. Also this is not SQL injection safe.

                Dim oRs as Recordset
                dim sSql as String
                sSql = "INSERT INTO EventType (EventTypeName) VALUES ('blah'); SELECT last_insert_rowid() FROM EventType"
                oRs.Open sSql oConn

                这篇关于如何使用 VB6 在 SQLite 中返回 AUTO INCREMENT 列的值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:如何在不指定列名的情况下使用 AUTO_INCREMENT 列将新行插入到数据库中? 下一篇:更改步骤 auto_increment 字段增量


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