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        如何在表 MYSQL 的子集中自动递增

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                  本文介绍了如何在表 MYSQL 的子集中自动递增的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  To illustrate my problem I will use the analogy of authors and books.

                  我有 2 个表作者"和书".作者是独一无二的,书籍使用外键约束与特定作者相关联.

                  I have 2 tables "author" and "books". Authors are unique and books are tied to a specific authors using a foreign key constraint.

                  我想知道是否有可能在books"表中有一个名为booknum"的列,它会在单个作者的子集中自动递增.因此,如果该表有 100 行并且我插入了作者的第 4 本书,那么它会将 4 放入booknum"列中.

                  I was wondering if it was possible to have a column called "booknum" in the "books" table that auto-increment within the subset of a single author. So if the table has 100 rows and im inserting the 4th book of an author it puts a 4 into the "booknum" column.

                  例如,如果书籍表有 6 行:

                  For example if the books table had 6 rows:

                  id | authors_id | booknum | name
                  1  | 1          | 1       | "hello"
                  2  | 1          | 2       | "goodbye"
                  3  | 2          | 1       | "booktitle"
                  4  | 3          | 1       | "more title"
                  5  | 1          | 3       | "nametwo"
                  6  | 2          | 2       | "nameone"

                  这在 mysql 中是可能的还是我需要去检查最后创建的书并在添加书时手动增加?

                  Is this possible within mysql or do I need to go and check for the last created book and manually increment when I add a book?



                  CREATE TRIGGER biBooks 
                    BEFORE INSERT ON books 
                    FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.booknum = (
                      SELECT COALESCE(MAX(booknum), 0) + 1 
                        FROM books 
                        WHERE authors_id = NEW.authors_id

                  这篇关于如何在表 MYSQL 的子集中自动递增的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:使自动增量填充以前删除的数字 下一篇:MySQL:选择语句中的自动增量临时列


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