<i id='5VHvT'><tr id='5VHvT'><dt id='5VHvT'><q id='5VHvT'><span id='5VHvT'><b id='5VHvT'><form id='5VHvT'><ins id='5VHvT'></ins><ul id='5VHvT'></ul><sub id='5VHvT'></sub></form><legend id='5VHvT'></legend><bdo id='5VHvT'><pre id='5VHvT'><center id='5VHvT'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='5VHvT'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='5VHvT'><tfoot id='5VHvT'></tfoot><dl id='5VHvT'><fieldset id='5VHvT'></fieldset></dl></div>

  • <tfoot id='5VHvT'></tfoot>
  • <small id='5VHvT'></small><noframes id='5VHvT'>

      <legend id='5VHvT'><style id='5VHvT'><dir id='5VHvT'><q id='5VHvT'></q></dir></style></legend>
        <bdo id='5VHvT'></bdo><ul id='5VHvT'></ul>

      1. 使用 SQL FOR XML 创建 HTML 表

          <legend id='23GQm'><style id='23GQm'><dir id='23GQm'><q id='23GQm'></q></dir></style></legend>
          <tfoot id='23GQm'></tfoot>

              <i id='23GQm'><tr id='23GQm'><dt id='23GQm'><q id='23GQm'><span id='23GQm'><b id='23GQm'><form id='23GQm'><ins id='23GQm'></ins><ul id='23GQm'></ul><sub id='23GQm'></sub></form><legend id='23GQm'></legend><bdo id='23GQm'><pre id='23GQm'><center id='23GQm'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='23GQm'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='23GQm'><tfoot id='23GQm'></tfoot><dl id='23GQm'><fieldset id='23GQm'></fieldset></dl></div>
                <tbody id='23GQm'></tbody>

                <small id='23GQm'></small><noframes id='23GQm'>

                • <bdo id='23GQm'></bdo><ul id='23GQm'></ul>

                  本文介绍了使用 SQL FOR XML 创建 HTML 表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在使用 SQL Server 2008 R2 中的 FOR XML 语句创建 HL7 连续性护理文档 (CCD).

                  I'm creating a HL7 Continuity of Care Document (CCD) using FOR XML statements in SQL Server 2008 R2.

                  我已经用这种方法做了很多,但这是我第一次必须在 HTML 表格中表示部分数据,这给我带来了麻烦.

                  I've done A LOT with this method, but this is the first time I have to represent part of the data in a HTML table, which is giving me trouble.


                  So, I have the following information in a table:

                    Problem  |   Onset    | Status
                    Ulcer    | 01/01/2008 | Active
                    Edema    | 02/02/2005 | Active


                  and I'm trying to render the following



                  SELECT    p.ProblemType AS "td"
                      , p.Onset AS "td"
                      , p.DiagnosisStatus AS "td"
                  FROM tblProblemList p
                  WHERE p.PatientUnitNumber = @PatientUnitNumber
                  FOR XML PATH('tr')





                    (select p.ProblemType     as 'td' for xml path(''), type),
                    (select p.Onset           as 'td' for xml path(''), type),
                    (select p.DiagnosisStatus as 'td' for xml path(''), type)
                  from tblProblemList p
                  where p.PatientUnitNumber = @PatientUnitNumber
                  for xml path('tr')

                  要添加标题,您也可以使用 union all.

                  To add the header as well you can use union all.

                    (select 'Problem' as th for xml path(''), type),
                    (select 'Onset'   as th for xml path(''), type),
                    (select 'Status'  as th for xml path(''), type)
                  union all         
                    (select p.ProblemType     as 'td' for xml path(''), type),
                    (select p.Onset           as 'td' for xml path(''), type),
                    (select p.DiagnosisStatus as 'td' for xml path(''), type)
                  from tblProblemList p
                  where p.PatientUnitNumber = @PatientUnitNumber
                  for xml path('tr')

                  这篇关于使用 SQL FOR XML 创建 HTML 表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何修复错误“命名管道提供程序,错误 40 - 无法打开与“SQL Server"的连接? 下一篇:Sql Server 字符串到日期的转换


                • <small id='LGHs9'></small><noframes id='LGHs9'>

                        <bdo id='LGHs9'></bdo><ul id='LGHs9'></ul>
                      <i id='LGHs9'><tr id='LGHs9'><dt id='LGHs9'><q id='LGHs9'><span id='LGHs9'><b id='LGHs9'><form id='LGHs9'><ins id='LGHs9'></ins><ul id='LGHs9'></ul><sub id='LGHs9'></sub></form><legend id='LGHs9'></legend><bdo id='LGHs9'><pre id='LGHs9'><center id='LGHs9'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='LGHs9'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='LGHs9'><tfoot id='LGHs9'></tfoot><dl id='LGHs9'><fieldset id='LGHs9'></fieldset></dl></div>
                      <legend id='LGHs9'><style id='LGHs9'><dir id='LGHs9'><q id='LGHs9'></q></dir></style></legend>
                    1. <tfoot id='LGHs9'></tfoot>