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      1. SQL Server CTE 和递归示例


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                • 本文介绍了SQL Server CTE 和递归示例的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我从不将 CTE 与递归一起使用.我只是在读一篇关于它的文章.本文借助 Sql server CTE 和递归显示员工信息.它基本上显示员工及其经理的信息.我无法理解这个查询是如何工作的.这是查询:

                  I never use CTE with recursion. I was just reading an article on it. This article shows employee info with the help of Sql server CTE and recursion. It is basically showing employees and their manager info. I am not able to understand how this query works. Here is the query:

                    cteReports (EmpID, FirstName, LastName, MgrID, EmpLevel)
                      SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, ManagerID, 1
                      FROM Employees
                      WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
                      UNION ALL
                      SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.ManagerID,
                        r.EmpLevel + 1
                      FROM Employees e
                        INNER JOIN cteReports r
                          ON e.ManagerID = r.EmpID
                    FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS FullName,
                    (SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName FROM Employees
                      WHERE EmployeeID = cteReports.MgrID) AS Manager
                  FROM cteReports
                  ORDER BY EmpLevel, MgrID


                  Here I am posting about how the output is showing:

                  我只需要知道它是如何在循环中先显示经理然后显示他的下属的.我猜第一个 sql 语句只触发一次并返回所有员工 ID.

                  I just need to know how it is showing manager first and then his subordinate in a loop. I guess the first sql statement fires only once and that returns all employee ids.

                  第二个查询重复触发,查询员工所在的数据库,并使用当前经理 ID.

                  And the second query repeatedly fires, querying the database on which employee exists with the current manager id.


                  Please explain how the sql statement executes in an internal loop and also tell me the sql execution order. Thanks.

                  ;WITH Numbers AS
                      SELECT n = 1
                      UNION ALL
                      SELECT n + 1
                      FROM Numbers
                      WHERE n+1 <= 10
                  SELECT n
                  FROM Numbers

                  Q 1) N 的值是如何递增的?如果每次都将值分配给 N,则 N 值可以递增,但仅限于第一次初始化 N 值.

                  Q 1) how is the value of N is getting incremented? if the value is assigned to N every time then N value can be incremented but only the first time N value was initialized.

                  Q 2) CTE 和员工关系的递归:

                  Q 2) CTE and recursion of employee relations:


                  The moment I add two managers and add a few more employees under the second manager is where the problem starts.


                  I want to display the first manager detail and in the next rows only those employee details that relate to the subordinate of that manager.

                  ID     Name      MgrID    Level
                  ---    ----      ------   -----
                  1      Keith      NULL     1
                  2      Josh       1        2
                  3      Robin      1        2
                  4      Raja       2        3
                  5      Tridip     NULL     1
                  6      Arijit     5        2
                  7      Amit       5        2
                  8      Dev        6        3

                  我想用 CTE 表达式以这种方式显示结果.请告诉我在我这里给出的 sql 中要修改什么,以便拉取经理与员工的关系.谢谢.

                  I want to display the results in such way with CTE expressions. Please tell me what to modify in my sql which I gave here in order to pull manager-employee relations. Thanks.

                  ID          Name   MgrID       nLevel      Family
                  ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- --------------------
                  1           Keith  NULL        1           1
                  3           Robin  1           2           1
                  2           Josh   1           2           1
                  4           Raja   2           3           1
                  5           Tridip NULL        1           2
                  7           Amit   5           2           2
                  6           Arijit 5           2           2
                  8           Dev    6           3           2




                  I haven't tested your code, just tried to help you understand how it operates in comment;

                    cteReports (EmpID, FirstName, LastName, MgrID, EmpLevel)
                  -->>>>>>>>>>Block 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
                  -- In a rCTE, this block is called an [Anchor]
                  -- The query finds all root nodes as described by WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
                      SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, ManagerID, 1
                      FROM Employees
                      WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
                  -->>>>>>>>>>Block 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
                      UNION ALL
                  -->>>>>>>>>>Block 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    
                  -- This is the recursive expression of the rCTE
                  -- On the first "execution" it will query data in [Employees],
                  -- relative to the [Anchor] above.
                  -- This will produce a resultset, we will call it R{1} and it is JOINed to [Employees]
                  -- as defined by the hierarchy
                  -- Subsequent "executions" of this block will reference R{n-1}
                      SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.ManagerID,
                        r.EmpLevel + 1
                      FROM Employees e
                        INNER JOIN cteReports r
                          ON e.ManagerID = r.EmpID
                  -->>>>>>>>>>Block 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
                    FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS FullName,
                    (SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName FROM Employees
                      WHERE EmployeeID = cteReports.MgrID) AS Manager
                  FROM cteReports
                  ORDER BY EmpLevel, MgrID


                  The simplest example of a recursive CTE I can think of to illustrate its operation is;

                  ;WITH Numbers AS
                      SELECT n = 1
                      UNION ALL
                      SELECT n + 1
                      FROM Numbers
                      WHERE n+1 <= 10
                  SELECT n
                  FROM Numbers

                  Q 1) N 的值是如何递增的.如果每次都将值分配给 N,则 N 值可以递增,但仅在第一次初始化 N 值时.

                  A1: 在这种情况下,N 不是变量.N 是一个别名.它相当于 SELECT 1 AS N.这是个人喜好的语法.在 T-SQL 中的 CTE 中有两种主要的列别名方法.我在 Excel 中包含了一个简单的 CTE 的模拟,以尝试以更熟悉的方式说明正在发生的事情.

                  A1: In this case, N is not a variable. N is an alias. It is the equivalent of SELECT 1 AS N. It is a syntax of personal preference. There are 2 main methods of aliasing columns in a CTE in T-SQL. I've included the analog of a simple CTE in Excel to try and illustrate in a more familiar way what is happening.

                  --  Outside
                  ;WITH CTE (MyColName) AS
                      SELECT 1
                  -- Inside
                  ;WITH CTE AS
                      SELECT 1 AS MyColName
                      -- Or
                      SELECT MyColName = 1  
                      -- Etc...

                  Q 2) 现在这里是关于 CTE 和员工关系递归的当我添加两个经理并在第二个经理下添加更多员工时,问题就开始了.我想显示第一个经理的详细信息,在接下来的行中,只有那些员工的详细信息才会出现在该经理的下属



                  Does this code answer your question?

                  -- Synthesise table with non-recursive CTE
                  ;WITH Employee (ID, Name, MgrID) AS 
                      SELECT 1,      'Keith',      NULL   UNION ALL
                      SELECT 2,      'Josh',       1      UNION ALL
                      SELECT 3,      'Robin',      1      UNION ALL
                      SELECT 4,      'Raja',       2      UNION ALL
                      SELECT 5,      'Tridip',     NULL   UNION ALL
                      SELECT 6,      'Arijit',     5      UNION ALL
                      SELECT 7,      'Amit',       5      UNION ALL
                      SELECT 8,      'Dev',        6   
                  -- Recursive CTE - Chained to the above CTE
                  ,Hierarchy AS
                      --  Anchor
                      SELECT   ID
                              ,nLevel = 1
                              ,Family = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Name)
                      FROM Employee
                      WHERE MgrID IS NULL
                      UNION ALL
                      --  Recursive query
                      SELECT   E.ID
                      FROM Employee   E
                      JOIN Hierarchy  H ON E.MgrID = H.ID
                  SELECT *
                  FROM Hierarchy
                  ORDER BY Family, nLevel


                  SELECT ID,space(nLevel+
                                      (CASE WHEN nLevel > 1 THEN nLevel ELSE 0 END)
                  FROM Hierarchy
                  ORDER BY Family, nLevel

                  这篇关于SQL Server CTE 和递归示例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:为 SQL Server 表自动生成 INSERT 语句的最佳方法是什么? 下一篇:如何修复错误“命名管道提供程序,错误 40 - 无法打开与“SQL Server"的连接?


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