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        如何用许多随机数填充 MySQL 表?

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                  本文介绍了如何用许多随机数填充 MySQL 表?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I'm going to ask a question that has been asked in very abstract terms, with (understandably) no concrete answers provided:

                  如何在 MySQL 提示下创建和填充表 rand_numbers,其中包含一列 number INT 和 1111 行,其中 number 列包含 2222 到 5555 之间的随机数?

                  From the MySQL prompt, how do I create and populate a table, rand_numbers, with one column, number INT, and 1111 rows, where the number column holds a random number between 2222 and 5555?


                  CREATE TABLE rand_numbers(number INT);
                   #run following line 1111 times
                  INSERT INTO rand_numbers (number) VALUES (2222 + CEIL( RAND() * 3333));

                  这个问题已经有人问过了,但是依赖循环的外部语言或者过于笼统.我想知道是否可以从典型的 Linux MySQL 提示中执行如此简单的操作.

                  This question has been asked, but either relies on external languages for the loop or is far too general. I would like to know if it's possible to do something this simple from a typical Linux MySQL prompt.



                  CREATE TABLE rand_numbers (
                      number INT NOT NULL
                  ) ENGINE = MYISAM;


                  Then to populate it with random values, you can define a stored procedure (which supports looping):

                  DELIMITER $$
                  CREATE PROCEDURE InsertRand(IN NumRows INT, IN MinVal INT, IN MaxVal INT)
                          DECLARE i INT;
                          SET i = 1;
                          START TRANSACTION;
                          WHILE i <= NumRows DO
                              INSERT INTO rand_numbers VALUES (MinVal + CEIL(RAND() * (MaxVal - MinVal)));
                              SET i = i + 1;
                          END WHILE;
                  DELIMITER ;
                  CALL InsertRand(1111, 2222, 5555);

                  然后您可以重用该过程以根据不同的参数插入更多随机值..假设 600 行的随机值介于 1200 和 8500 之间:

                  Then you can reuse that procedure to insert more random values based on different parameters.. say 600 rows with random values between 1200 and 8500:

                  CALL InsertRand(600, 1200, 8500);

                  这篇关于如何用许多随机数填充 MySQL 表?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:MySQL:如何选择本周的记录? 下一篇:使用错误的mysql配置重置root密码


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