I know this question was asked a lot before but I tried some of the solutions which were given and nothing worked..
我已经在我的 Windows 7 x64 上下载了 MySQL Workbench 6.1,现在我想开始并做一个简单的数据库,我设置了一个新的 MySQL 连接,让它作为默认的主机名、端口和用户名我只是设置了连接的名称.一开始它在操作输出中显示无法连接.服务器可能无法运行,并且在 msg 部分中它被写入 Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)但我想我可以做一个数据库并测试它然后我创建了简单的数据库,当我想执行它时我无法按下执行数据库的螺栓所以我从查询中尝试并按下了第二个选项这是执行(全部或选择)到文本",因为我无法选择任何其他选项,并且显示此错误
Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061) (2003)
I have downloaded MySQL Workbench 6.1 on my windows 7 x64 and now as I want to start and do a simple DB I set a new MySQL Connection and let it as default the Hostname, port and the username I just set the name of the connection. In the beginning it was showing down in the action output that Could not connect.Server may not be run and in the msg part it was written Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
but I thought I would be able to do a DB and test it Then I created simple DB and when I wanted to execute it I couldn't press the Bolt which execute the DB so I tried from Query and I pressed the 2nd option which is "Execute(All or Selection) to text" as I couldn't choose any other option and this error was shown Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061) (2003)
我是新来的,我已经使用 SQL*Plus 一段时间了,但它不一样.
I am new in this I have used SQL*Plus for a while but it is not the same.
Looks like the mysql server is not started.
查看官方文档 MySQL 如何启动windows下的一个服务.
Look to the official documentation of MySQL how you can start a service under windows.
使用以下命令将服务器安装为服务:C:> "C:\ProgramFiles\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysqld" --install
Install the server as a service using this command: C:> "C:\Program
Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysqld" --install
这篇关于无法连接到“"上的 MySQL 服务器 (10061) (2003)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!