我的 MySQL 数据库需要两个用户:appuser 和 support.
My MySQL database needs two users: appuser and support.
One of the application developers insists that I create four accounts for these users:
就我的一生而言,我无法弄清楚他为什么认为我们需要这个.主机不会使用通配符来处理 'localhost' 吗?
For the life of me I can't figure out why he thinks we need this. Wouldn't using the wildcard as the host take care of the 'localhost'?
(此处使用 MySQL 5.5)
(Using MySQL 5.5 here)
在 MySQL 中是特殊的,它意味着通过 UNIX 套接字(或 Windows 上的命名管道,我相信)上的连接,而不是到 TCP/IP 套接字.使用 %
作为主机不包含 localhost
is special in MySQL, it means a connection over a UNIX socket (or named pipes on Windows, I believe) as opposed to a TCP/IP socket. Using %
as the host does not include localhost
, hence the need to explicitly specify it.
这篇关于创建 MySQL 用户时使用 % 作为主机的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!