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      1. MySQL浮点比较问题

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                • 本文介绍了MySQL浮点比较问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在 MySQL 数据库架构中引入浮点列时遇到了一个问题,即对浮点值的比较并不总是返回正确的结果.

                  I ran into an issue by introducing floating point columns in the MySQL database schema that the comparisons on floating point values don't return the correct results always.

                  1 - 50.12
                  2 - 34.57
                  3 - 12.75
                  4 - ...(12:00以内休息)

                  1 - 50.12
                  2 - 34.57
                  3 - 12.75
                  4 - ...(rest all less than 12.00)

                  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users` WHERE `points` > "12.75"


                  我读过 MySQL 中浮点值的比较是一个坏主意,十进制类型是更好的选择.

                  I have read that the comparisons of floating point values in MySQL is a bad idea and decimal type is the better option.


                  Do I have any hope of moving ahead with the float type and get the comparisons to work correctly?



                  Do you notice the problem below?

                  CREATE TABLE a (num float);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (50.12);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (34.57);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (12.75);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (11.22);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (10.46);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (9.35);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (8.55);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (7.23);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (6.53);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (5.15);
                  INSERT INTO a VALUES (4.01);
                  SELECT SUM(num) FROM a;
                  | SUM(num)        |
                  | 159.94000005722 | 

                  在其中一些行之间有一个额外的 0.00000005722 分布.因此,与它们初始化时使用的值相比,其中一些值将返回 false.

                  There's an extra 0.00000005722 spread between some of those rows. Therefore some of those values will return false when compared with the value they were initialized with.

                  为避免浮点运算和比较出现问题,您应该使用 DECIMAL 数据类型:

                  To avoid problems with floating-point arithmetic and comparisons, you should use the DECIMAL data type:

                  ALTER TABLE a MODIFY num DECIMAL(6,2);
                  SELECT SUM(num) FROM a;
                  | SUM(num) |
                  |   159.94 | 
                  1 row in set (0.00 sec)


                  上一篇:以整数形式获取 MySQL 中两个日期之间的年差 下一篇:将 LIMIT 作为参数传递给 MySQL sproc


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