在PHP中做类似的事情,我可以成功登录到MySQL服务器.我已经安装了 ODBC 连接器.但是在上面的 VBA 代码中,我失败了.出现错误.(查看存在错误的代码)
Doing the similar things in PHP, I could successfully log in to the MySQL server. I have installed the ODBC connector. But in the above VBA codes, I failed. An error turns up. (see the codes where the error exists)
Ranjit 的代码导致了与 Tin 报告的相同的错误消息,但在使用我正在运行的 ODBC 驱动程序更新 Cn.open 后仍然有效.检查 ODBC 数据源管理器中的驱动程序选项卡.我的说MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode 驱动程序"所以我相应地更新了.
Ranjit's code caused the same error message as reported by Tin, but worked after updating Cn.open with the ODBC driver I'm running. Check the Drivers tab in the ODBC Data Source Administrator. Mine said "MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver" so I updated accordingly.