I've looked at a number of similar questions and so I'm demonstrating that I've checked the basics. Though of course, that doesn't mean I haven't missed something totally obvious. :-)
我的问题是:为什么我拒绝访问有权执行我正在尝试执行的操作以及我已经输入密码并获得访问权限的用户?(为了完整起见,我尝试输入错误的密码只是为了确保 MySQL 客户端会在程序启动时拒绝我访问.)
My question is: why am I denied access on a user with the privileges to do what I'm trying to do and where I have already typed the password and been granted access? (For the sake of completeness, I tried typing the wrong password just to make sure that MySQL client would deny me access at program start.)
Logged in to the shell of the machine running the MySQL server via ssh, I log in as root:
Awesome. My reading of the answers to similar questions suggests that I should make sure the the privileges are current with what is in the grant tables
Next make sure I am who I think I am:
So far so good. Now what privileges do I have?
Now that's a little hard to read, so lets try this way (you will also get to see that there is a non-localhost 'root' user):
太棒了!MySQL 认为我是 root@localhost 并且 root@localhost 拥有所有这些权限.这意味着我应该能够做我想做的事,对吗?
Awesome! MySQL thinks that I am root@localhost and root@localhost has all those privileges. That means I ought to be able to do what I want, right?
How could I have screwed up something this basic?
旁注:对于那些想建议我没有一个名为 root 的用户拥有所有权限的人来说,这很好,一旦我可以给另一个用户一些权限,我就会考虑这样做.
Side note: for anyone who wants to suggest that I not have a user named root with all privileges, that's great and something I'll consider doing once I can give another user some privileges.
没有说所有特权",但必须说明 root@localhost 有什么.
did not say 'ALL PRIVILEGES' but had to spell out what root@localhost has.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES 会失败,因为用户不能授予他/她没有的东西,并且服务器似乎认为有些东西不在这里......
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES will fail, because a user can not grant what he/she does not have, and the server seem to think something is not here ...
On my system, I get this:
5.5 中也有新表,比如 mysql.proxies_user:确保你有它们.
There are also new tables in 5.5, such as mysql.proxies_user: make sure you have them.
当安装一个全新的 mysql 服务器实例时,安装脚本将创建所有具有正确结构的 mysql.* 表.
When installing a brand new mysql server instance, the install script will create all the mysql.* tables with the proper structure.
When upgrading from an old version, make sure the proper upgrade procedure (mysql_upgrade) is used, which will add the missing tables / columns.
这只是一个猜测,但似乎没有为此实例执行 mysql_upgrade,导致了所见的行为.
It is only a guess, but it seems mysql_upgrade was not done for this instance, causing the behavior seen.
这篇关于尝试授予权限时,用户 'root'@'localhost' 的访问被拒绝.如何授予权限?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!