跟进问题https://serverfault.com/questions/191331/should-服务器有他们的时区设置到 gmt-utc
MySQL 时区应该设置为 UTC 还是应该设置为与服务器或 PHP 设置的时区相同?(如果不是UTC)
另一方面,如果您可以控制所使用服务器的时区,那么您可以在内部将所有内容设置为 UTC,而不必担心时区和夏令时.
MySQL 时区备忘单
警告! UTC 有闰秒,这些看起来像2012-06-30 23:59:60"并且可以随机添加,提前 6 个月通知,由于速度减慢地球自转
GMT 会混淆秒,这就是发明 UTC 的原因.
由于 限制.
在内部存储一个 MySQL 时间戳列作为 UTC 但选择日期时,MySQL 会自动将其转换为当前会话时区.
在时间戳中存储日期时,MySQL 将假定日期处于当前会话时区并将其转换为 UTC存储.
MySQL 可以在 datetime 列中存储部分日期,这些看起来像2013-00-00 04:00:00"
MySQL 存储0000-00-00 00:00:00";如果您将日期时间列设置为NULL,除非您特别设置该列以在您创建它.
无论当前 MySQL 会话处于哪个时区:
您还可以将服务器或全局或当前会话时区设置为 UTC,然后像这样选择时间戳:
要选择 UTC 中的当前日期时间:
示例结果:2015-03-24 17:02:41
返回MSK"或+04:00"例如,对于莫斯科时间,存在(或曾经)一个 MySQL 错误,如果设置为数字偏移量,则不会调整夏令时
如果您的时区为 +2:00,它将返回 02:00:00.
获取当前的 UNIX 时间戳(以秒为单位):
获取时间戳列作为 UNIX 时间戳
获取 UTC 日期时间列作为 UNIX 时间戳
从正的 UNIX 时间戳整数获取当前时区日期时间
从 UNIX 时间戳中获取 UTC 日期时间
从负的 UNIX 时间戳整数获取当前时区日期时间
在 MySQL 中可以在 3 个地方设置时区:
- 与 UTC 的偏移量:+00:00"、+10:00"或-6:00"
- 作为命名时区:Europe/Helsinki"、US/Eastern"或MET"
命名时区只有在时区信息表mysql 数据库中已经创建并填充.
@@global.time_zone 变量
@@session.time_zone 变量
都是@@global.time_zone 变量"和@@session.time_zone 变量";可能返回SYSTEM"这意味着他们使用my.cnf"中设置的时区.
要使时区名称起作用(即使对于默认时区),您必须设置需要填充的时区信息表: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/time-zone-support.html
如果这个命令给你错误data too long for column 'abbreviation' at第 1 行",则可能是由于在时区缩写末尾附加了 NULL 字符所致
(确保您的服务器 dst 规则是最新的 zdump -v Europe/Moscow | grep 2011
查看每个时区的完整 DST(夏令时)转换历史
还会根据上表中的规则和您使用的日期应用任何必要的 DST 更改.
根据docs,您设置的值因为 time_zone 不会改变,如果您将其设置为+01:00";例如,time_zone 将被设置为 UTC 的偏移量,它不遵循 DST,因此它将全年保持不变.
将是夏季时间,而 +01:00 将始终是 UTC
时间 +1 小时,两者都不会随夏令时而改变.
时区将是安装 mysql 的主机的时区(除非 mysql 无法确定)
您可以在此处阅读更多有关使用 DST 的信息>
传奇人物 Jon Skeet 何时不使用 UTC:https://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2019/03/27/storing-utc-is-not-a-silver-bullet/(例如未来的预定事件代表时间,而不是瞬间)
- 如何设置 MySQL 的时区?
- MySql - UTC 格式的 SELECT 时间戳列
- 如何从 UTC 获取 MySQL 中的 Unix 时间戳时间?
- 将服务器 MySQL 时间戳转换为 UTC
- https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/20217/mysql-set-utc-time-as-default-timestamp
- 如何获取当前时区MySQL?
- MySQL 日期时间字段和夏令时——我如何引用额外"时间?小时?
- https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=68861
- http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html
- http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/datetime.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time
- http://shafiqissani.wordpress.com/2010/09/30/how-to-get-the-current-epoch-time-unix-timestamp/
- https://web.ivy.net/~carton/rant/MySQL-timezones.txt
Follow up question of https://serverfault.com/questions/191331/should-servers-have-their-timezone-set-to-gmt-utc
Should the MySQL timezone be set to UTC or should it be set to be the same timezone as the server or PHP is set? (If it is not UTC)
What are the pros and cons?
It seems that it does not matter what timezone is on the server as long as you have the time set right for the current timezone, know the timezone of the datetime columns that you store, and are aware of the issues with daylight savings time.
On the other hand if you have control of the timezones of the servers you work with then you can have everything set to UTC internally and never worry about timezones and DST.
Here are some notes I collected of how to work with timezones as a form of cheatsheet for myself and others which might influence what timezone the person will choose for his/her server and how he/she will store date and time.
MySQL Timezone Cheatsheet
Changing the timezone will not change the stored datetime or timestamp, but it will select a different datetime from timestamp columns
Warning! UTC has leap seconds, these look like '2012-06-30 23:59:60' and can be added randomly, with 6 months prior notice, due to the slowing of the earths rotation
GMT confuses seconds, which is why UTC was invented.
Warning! different regional timezones might produce the same datetime value due to daylight savings time
The timestamp column only supports dates 1970-01-01 00:00:01 to 2038-01-19 03:14:07 UTC, due to a limitation.
Internally a MySQL timestamp column is stored as UTC but when selecting a date MySQL will automatically convert it to the current session timezone.
When storing a date in a timestamp, MySQL will assume that the date is in the current session timezone and convert it to UTC for storage.
MySQL can store partial dates in datetime columns, these look like "2013-00-00 04:00:00"
MySQL stores "0000-00-00 00:00:00" if you set a datetime column as NULL, unless you specifically set the column to allow null when you create it.
Read this
To select a timestamp column in UTC format
no matter what timezone the current MySQL session is in:
You can also set the sever or global or current session timezone to UTC and then select the timestamp like so:
To select the current datetime in UTC:
Example result: 2015-03-24 17:02:41
To select the current datetime in the session timezone
To select the timezone that was set when the server launched
Returns "MSK" or "+04:00" for Moscow time for example, there is (or was) a MySQL bug where if set to a numerical offset it would not adjust the Daylight savings time
To get the current timezone
It will return 02:00:00 if your timezone is +2:00.
To get the current UNIX timestamp (in seconds):
To get the timestamp column as a UNIX timestamp
To get a UTC datetime column as a UNIX timestamp
Get a current timezone datetime from a positive UNIX timestamp integer
Get a UTC datetime from a UNIX timestamp
Get a current timezone datetime from a negative UNIX timestamp integer
There are 3 places where the timezone might be set in MySQL:
Note: A timezone can be set in 2 formats:
- an offset from UTC: '+00:00', '+10:00' or '-6:00'
- as a named time zone: 'Europe/Helsinki', 'US/Eastern', or 'MET'
Named time zones can be used only if the time zone information tables in the mysql database have been created and populated.
in the file "my.cnf"
@@global.time_zone variable
To see what value they are set to
To set a value for it use either one:
@@session.time_zone variable
To set it use either one:
both "@@global.time_zone variable" and "@@session.time_zone variable" might return "SYSTEM" which means that they use the timezone set in "my.cnf".
For timezone names to work (even for default-time-zone) you must setup your timezone information tables need to be populated: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/time-zone-support.html
Note: you can not do this as it will return NULL:
Setup mysql timezone tables
to work, you need the timezone tables to be populated
If they are empty, then fill them up by running this command
if this command gives you the error "data too long for column 'abbreviation' at row 1", then it might be caused by a NULL character being appended at the end of the timezone abbreviation
the fix being to run this
(make sure your servers dst rules are up to date zdump -v Europe/Moscow | grep 2011
See the full DST (Daylight Saving Time) transition history for every timezone
also applies any necessary DST changes based on the rules in the above tables and the date that you use.
According to the docs, the value you set for time_zone does not change, if you set it as "+01:00" for example, then the time_zone will be set as an offset from UTC, which does not follow DST, so it will stay the same all year round.
Only the named timezones will change time during daylight savings time.
Abbreviations like CET
will always be a winter time and CEST
will be summer time while +01:00 will always be UTC
time + 1 hour and both won't change with DST.
The system
timezone will be the timezone of the host machine where mysql is installed (unless mysql fails to determine it)
You can read more about working with DST here
When not to use UTC by the legendary Jon Skeet: https://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2019/03/27/storing-utc-is-not-a-silver-bullet/ (For example a scheduled event in the future that represents a time, not an instant in time)
related questions:
- How do I set the time zone of MySQL?
- MySql - SELECT TimeStamp Column in UTC format
- How to get Unix timestamp in MySQL from UTC time?
- Converting Server MySQL TimeStamp To UTC
- https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/20217/mysql-set-utc-time-as-default-timestamp
- How do I get the current time zone of MySQL?
- MySQL datetime fields and daylight savings time -- how do I reference the "extra" hour?
- Converting negative values from FROM_UNIXTIME
- https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=68861
- http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html
- http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/datetime.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time
- http://shafiqissani.wordpress.com/2010/09/30/how-to-get-the-current-epoch-time-unix-timestamp/
- https://web.ivy.net/~carton/rant/MySQL-timezones.txt
这篇关于MySQL 是否应该将其时区设置为 UTC?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!