有没有办法添加一个基于同一个表中的另一列自动计算的列?类似于 VIEW,但属于同一个表的一部分.例如,calculated
将是 value
应该在 value
更改时自动更新,就像 VIEW 一样.
Is there a way to add a column that is automatically calculated based on another column in the same table? Like a VIEW, but part of the same table. As an example, calculated
would be half of value
. Calculated
should be automatically updated when value
changes, just like a VIEW would be.
Generated Column 是 MySql 5.7.6 及以上版本的好方法之一.
Generated Column is one of the good approach for MySql version which is 5.7.6 and above.
- 虚拟(默认) - 列将在运行时计算从表中读取记录
- Stored - 列将在在表中写入/更新新记录
两种类型都可以有 NOT NULL 限制,但只有存储的 Generated Column 可以是索引的一部分.
Both types can have NOT NULL restrictions, but only a stored Generated Column can be a part of an index.
For current case, we are going to use stored generated column. To implement I have considered that both of the values required for calculation are present in table
amount 会自动弹出到表格中,您可以直接访问它,另外请注意,每当您更新任何列时,amount 也会更新.
amount will automatically pop up in table and you can access it directly, also please note that whenever you will update any of the columns, amount will also get updated.