我有一个包含两列、ID 和 XML 数据的表.我想为每个 ID 切碎 XML.我在 XML 中提取单个值,所有 XML 的结构都相同,我只是不确定如何遍历表并将 XML 查询应用于每一行.
I have a table that contains two columns, and ID, and XML data. I'd like to shred the XML for each ID. I'm pulling out a single value within the XML and all the XML is structured the same I'm just not sure how to loop through the table and apply XML query to each row.
The query I need to apply is as follows:
所以最终结果会有两列,ID 和来自 XML 的切碎值.
So the end results would have two columns, ID and shredded value from XML.
在不了解实际 XML 以及如何将其分解以获得某些值的情况下,无法完整地回答,但这应该指出正确的方向:
Without any knowledge about your actual XML and how you want to shred it to get some values it is impossible to answer in completness, but this shoudl point you in the right direction:
返回 ID 和 XML 原样
Returns the ID and the XML as is
这会从您的 XML 中返回 ID 和值
This returns the ID and a value out of your XML
And if there are more embedded rows it would be something like this
My magic glass bulb tells me, that you might need something like this:
这篇关于为 SQL 表中的每一行粉碎 XML的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!