我有这个 mysql 查询,当我搜索一个用户并且他有一个登录名(开始 - 结束)时,它会在下一行显示总数,但是如果用户有多个登录名(开始 - 结束),它不会在下一行显示总数....
I have this mysql query and when I search for a user and he has one login(start - end) it shows the total on the next row alright but if the user has more than one login(start - end) it doesnt show the total on the next row....
it show the total alright when the user has only one login
But when the user has more than one login, it doesnt show the total hours,
我猜它与限制有关,但是如果我将限制更改为 1 以上,我会收到错误没有 1242 子查询返回多于一行."有人可以帮我改写查询以显示总小时数,无论他们有多少登录?
im guessing it has to do with the Limits, but if i change the limit to more than 1 i get "the error no 1242 Subquery returns more than one row." can someone please help me rephrase the query to show total hours no matter how many logins they have?
still having problems with this so i came up with a new query but then i keep getting null instead of the total. any idea why this is so?
我认为您最好的选择是在事件表中添加一个 stop_id,然后当用户注销时,使用来自事件表的记录 ID 更新 In 事件出事件.
I think your best option would be to add a stop_id to the event table, then when the user logs out, update the In event with the record id from the Out event.
For existing records, you could write a query to update the records based on your logic in the question.
一旦你这样做了,因为你在事件表中有一个 stop_id,所以获取开始和停止时间是一个相对简单的查询.
Once you do this, since you have a stop_id in the event table, getting the start and stop time is a relatively trivial query.
Leaving the user information out for now, this is all you need to get the details:
您不需要测试开始或停止状态,因为大概只有状态为 In
的事件才会有 stop_id
和内连接(假设是join 在 mysql 中的作用)防止 Out
You don't need to test the start or stop status because presumably only those events with a status of In
will have a stop_id
and the inner join (assuming that's what join does in mysql) prevents Out
records from being included at the top level.
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