我正在创建一个应用程序,用户可以在其中进行锻炼.他们通过应用程序传递结果,这些结果存储在 SQL Server 数据库中.结果以这种方式保存在 SQL Server 表中:
I'm creating an application where users do workouts. They pass on their results via an app, and these results are stored in an SQL Server database. Results are saved in this way in a SQL Server table:
I want to write a query to create a ranking based on the best score of each user. This is what I have so far:
问题是,如果用户多次达到相同的最高分,他将多次出现在排名中.必须调整查询,以便当用户多次获得相同的最高分数时,排名中仅显示最后一次尝试的结果(基于 datetime_ added
The problem is that if a user has achieved the same maximum score a number of times, he will appear multiple times in the ranking. The query must be adjusted so that when a user has the same maximum score a few times, only the result of the last attempt (based on the datetime_added
column) is displayed in the rankings.
Unfortunately, I cannot find a solution myself. Help is certainly appreciated.
If you care about performance, you should also try a correlated subquery:
特别是,这可以利用 nodefit_rankings_fitness(user_id, score desc, id)
In particular, this can take advantage of an index on nodefit_rankings_fitness(user_id, score desc, id)
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