我从我的上一个问题中有以下查询,它在动态表中的 SQL.我怎样才能把它传到一张桌子上?我的意思是像 select * from sp_executesql @query.
I have the below query from my previous question and this executes in SQL in a dynamic table. How can i pass this into a table? I mean something like select * from sp_executesql @query.
我尝试了 openrowset,但我的安全权限不允许.还有其他帮助吗?
I tried openrowset but my security privilages do not allow it. Any other help?
Print (@query) 将显示列名
Print (@query) will display the column names
由于拉取动态字段列表,这需要作为一个SELECT {fields} INTO ##tmp FROM...
code> 因为没有简单的方法来获得 CREATE TABLE
语句,特别是如果 bear_crossjoin
表中没有列出的数据类型.因此,更新动态 SQL 以增加一行,如下所示:
Due to pulling a dynamic field list, this kinda needs to be done as a SELECT {fields} INTO ##tmp FROM...
since there is no easy way to get a CREATE TABLE
statement, especially if the bear_crossjoin
table does not have the datatypes listed in it. So, update the Dynamic SQL to have one extra line as follows:
全局临时表(即 ##name
而不是 #name
)将在子进程中创建后继续存在.一张真正的桌子也能幸存下来.但是一旦子进程(即动态 SQL)结束,本地临时表(即 #name
而不是 ##name
A Global Temp Table (i.e. ##name
instead of #name
) will survive being created in a sub-process. A real table would also survive. But a local temp table (i.e. #name
instead of ##name
) will disappear once the subprocess (i.e. the Dynamic SQL) ends.
这篇关于将 exec sp_executesql 结果加载到表中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!