有谁知道我在这里做错了什么,我有一个从远程来源获取货币数据的网页,我获取数据并通过存储过程将其插入到 sql 数据库中.如果我将 truncate 放在 insert 语句的前面,它会截断表并插入最后一条记录.如果我删除截断,它会插入所有记录.
Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong here, I have a webpage that gets currency data from a remote source, I get the data and insert it into sql database via a stored procedure. If i put truncate in front of the insert statement, it truncates the table and inserts the last record. If i remove the truncate, it inserts all the records.
上面将插入 289 条记录中的最后一条记录.
The above will insert the last record from 289 records.
如果我删除 truncate,所有 289 条记录都会插入.
If i remove truncate all 289 records are inserted.
我曾尝试使用waitfor 1 秒钟,但也未能奏效.
I have tried using waitfor, for 1 second but that failed to work either.
I'm not sure what else to do, so any help would be appreciated
在网页中我有一个 foreach 循环
In webpage I have a foreach loop
/---------------------- SQL 代码 -----------------
/---------------------- SQL Code -----------------
如果调用 289 次,则需要将 TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[at_CurrencyRates];
You need to move TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[at_CurrencyRates];
out of the stored procedure if you are calling it 289 times to insert row by row.
Every time you call the stored procedure it deletes all the rows from the table so you will always only end up with the one row that you just inserted.
最好改变存储过程以一次性插入所有需要的行,而不是一次插入一个.您可以使用表值参数来传递所有所需的行,然后您只需要一个 TRUNCATE
后跟一个 INSERT [dbo].[at_CurrencyRates] ... SELECT * FROM @TVP
Better would be to alter the stored procedure to do the insert of all required rows in one go rather than just one at a time. You can use a table valued parameter to pass in all of the desired rows then you would just need a TRUNCATE
followed by an INSERT [dbo].[at_CurrencyRates] ... SELECT * FROM @TVP
这篇关于截断表然后将数据插入同一个表只插入 1 条记录的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!