我需要将 XML 源从网站导入到我的 SQL Server 数据库.我对 XML 不太了解.
I need to import an XML-feed from a website to my SQL Server database. I don't know much about XML.
Feed 结构有点复杂.这是该文件的示例:
The feed structure is an bit complex. Here is the sample of that file:
能否请您帮帮我,我该如何将数据从该提要加载到 SQL Server.
Can you please help me out, how can I approach to load the data from that feed to SQL Server.
Please also ask me if any other details needed to understand this scenario. Awaiting your kind response.
如果您的 XML 格式良好,您可以将其存储在 xml
类型变量中.然后你可以使用 XPath 从中读取字段:
If your XML is wel-formed, you can store it in an xml
type variable. Then you can use XPath to read fields from it:
这篇关于将网站 XML-feed 导入 SQL Server的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!