我无论如何都不是 SQL 专家,并且很难从查询中获取我需要的数据.我正在处理一个表,Journal_Entry,它有很多列.一列是 Status_ID,它是 Status 表的外键,具有三个值Green"、Yellow"和Red".此外,日志条目是针对特定用户 (User_ID) 记录的.
I'm not an expert in SQL by any means, and am having a hard time getting the data I need from a query. I'm working with a single table, Journal_Entry, that has a number of columns. One column is Status_ID, which is a foreign key to a Status table with three values "Green", "Yellow", and "Red". Also, a journal entry is logged against a particular User (User_ID).
我正在尝试获取为每个状态记录的日记条目数,作为特定用户记录的日记条目总数的百分比.到目前为止,我已经获得了以下状态为 1 的状态,即绿色(我知道这不起作用):
I'm trying to get the number of journal entries logged for each Status, as a percentage of the total number of journal entries logged by a particular user. So far I've got the following for a Status of 1, which is green (and I know this doesn't work):
我需要继续查询其他两个状态 ID,2 和 3,理想情况下希望以选择三列作为百分比结束,每个状态一列:Green_Percent"、Yellow_Percent"和"Red_Percent".
I need to continue the query for the other two status ID's, 2 and 3, and ideally would like to end with the selection of three columns as percentages, one for each Status: "Green_Percent", "Yellow_Percent", and "Red_Percent".
这可能是我问过的最杂乱无章的问题,因此对于任何不够明确的问题,我深表歉意.我很乐意在必要时进行澄清.另外,我使用的是 SQL Server 2005.
This is probably the most disjointed question I've ever asked, so I apologize for any lack of clarity. I'll be happy to clarify as necessary. Also, I'm using SQL Server 2005.
Then it's a matter of formatting the precision you want:
...将给出两位小数.如果您不需要任何小数位,请将结果转换为 INT.
...will give two decimal places. Cast the result to INT if you don't want any decimal places.
您可以使用 CTE 来减少重复:
You could use a CTE to minimize the duplication: