我们目前正在升级我们用 C# 编写的当前数据导入过程.
We are currently upgrading a current data import process we have written in C#.
As part of the upgrade process, we need to check the results of the import process from the rewrite against the results of the old system.
One of the changes we made was breaking comma-delimited lists into rows in another table. This will enable us to filter results using a simple join.
现在,我们下一步是确认两个过程的结果是否相同.其中一项检查是将旧流程的 MainCategories 字段与规范化表的结果进行比较.
Now, our next step is to confirm that the results from the two processes are the same. One of these checks is to compare the MainCategories field of the old process with the results from the normalized tables.
This leads us, finally, to the question: How do I create a comma-delimited list of the new schema to compare to the value of the old.
我们在这里尝试了@Ritesh 提出的 XMLPath 解决方案:Concatenate多行合并成一个文本字符串?
We have tried the XMLPath solution proposed by @Ritesh here: Concatenate many rows into a single text string?
Here is the adapted sql statement:
问题是结果不正确.尽管 FormNumber 1 在表中只有三个条目,但 Values 列(动态构建的分隔字符串)显示了不正确的结果.很明显我们没有正确实现sql代码.
The problem is the results are not correct. Even though FormNumber 1 only has three entries in the table, the Values column (the dynamically built delimited string) shows incorrect results. Obviously we are not implementing the sql code correctly.
Here is a way for you to try:
尽管存在问题,您无法真正确定连接的项目的顺序与您拥有的项目的顺序相同,因为没有一列明确给出该顺序.这是一个使用此示例的有效 SQL Fiddle.
Though there is the problem where you can't really be sure that the order of the items concatenated is the same as the one you have, since there isn't a column that explictly gives that order. Here is a working SQL Fiddle with this example.
这篇关于如何在 SQL2008R2 中将行整理为分隔字符串的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!