我想在 sql server 中创建一个表并用数据(人们的信息)填充它.目标是让每个人在第一行都有一个唯一的 ID,该 ID 必须以固定字母 GM
开头,后跟 AZ
或 2-9
数字,名字的首字母,姓氏的首字母和 AZ
或 2-9
I want to create a table in sql server and fill it up with data (people's info). The goal is to get every person a unique ID in the first row which has to start with fixed alphabets GM
followed by A-Z
or 2-9
numeric , initial of First name, Initial of Last name and A-Z
or 2-9
注意:根据您所要求的逻辑,我认为您无法在不检查表中不包含生成的值的情况下生成唯一值,唯一的方法是使用 NEWID()
函数生成 GUID,否则我认为总是存在重复风险
Note: With the logic you are requesting i don't think you can produce Unique value without check that the table doesn't contains the generated value, the only way is to use NEWID()
function that generate a GUID, else i think that there is always a duplication risk
I don't know if this is the best way to do that, but i can say that it gives the expected output. You can create this function and use it to generate the identifier:
And you can use it as the following
我将 RAND()
I am passing RAND()
as parameter because it cannot be used within a function
这篇关于为 SQL Server 表中的用户生成随机令牌(唯一 ID)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!