我有一个带有 XML 列的表,如果属性已经存在,我想更新 xml 以插入属性或更改属性值.
I have a Table with an XML column, I want to update the xml to insert attribute or to change the attribute value if the attribute already exists.
假设起始 xml 是:</>
Let's say the starting xml is: < d />
如果属性已经存在,插入将失败,如果属性不存在,替换将失败.我曾尝试使用 'if',但我认为它行不通,出现错误:XQuery [modify()]:'attribute' 附近的语法错误,预期为 'else'."
insert will fail if the attribute already exists, replace will fail if the attribute doesn't exists. I have tried to use 'if' but I don't think it can work, there error I get: "XQuery [modify()]: Syntax error near 'attribute', expected 'else'."
IF 尝试
目前我选择 xml 到一个变量中,然后使用 T-SQL 修改它,然后用新的 xml 更新列,这需要我锁定事务中的行,并且对于数据库来说可能更昂贵.
Currently I select the xml into a variable and then modify it using T-SQL and then updating the column with new xml, this requires me to lock the row in a transaction and is probably more expensive for the DB.
据我所知,单条语句无法做到这一点.您可以使用 exist() 方法通过两个更新语句来完成此操作.
From what I can tell, you can't do this with single statement. You can use the exist() method to accomplish that with two update statements.
这篇关于XQuery 在单个 SQL 更新命令中添加或替换属性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!