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        在 Windows Docker 容器中设置语言和区域设置

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                  本文介绍了在 Windows Docker 容器中设置语言和区域设置的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在创建一个基于 mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/runtime:4.8 基础映像的 docker 容器.

                  I'm creating a docker container based on the mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/runtime:4.8 base image.

                  此图像设置为 en_US,这意味着所有 Windows 语言和区域设置以及默认位置都设置为美国.

                  This image is set to en_US, meaning that all the Windows language and region settings and default location is set to United States.

                  我需要做的是将其更改为 en_GB 并将默认用户的位置更改为 United Kindom 因为我有一个具有依赖关系的 .Net 应用程序在使用它来将数据输出到 Excel 的第 3 方库上.但是到目前为止,我尝试过的任何东西似乎都无法更改语言和区域设置.

                  What I need to do is to change this to en_GB and change the location to United Kindom for the default user because I have a .Net application which has a dependency on a 3rd party library that uses this to output data to Excel. However nothing I've tried seems to be able to change the language and region settings thus far.


                  Things I have tried so far:

                  1. 尝试使用 intl.cpl 国际设置导入设置并更新默认用户:
                  1. Attempted to use the intl.cpl International Settings to import the settings and update the default user:

                  # Set Locale and language 
                  & $env:SystemRootSystem32control.exe "intl.cpl,,/f:`"UKRegion.xml`""
                  # Set Languages/culture
                  Set-Culture en-GB

                  UKRegion.xml 的内容:

                  Contents of UKRegion.xml:

                  <gs:GlobalizationServices xmlns:gs="urn:longhornGlobalizationUnattend">
                      <!--User List-->
                          <gs:User UserID="Current" CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct="true" CopySettingsToSystemAcct="true"/> 
                      <!-- user locale -->
                          <gs:Locale Name="en-GB" SetAsCurrent="true"/> 
                      <!-- system locale -->
                      <gs:SystemLocale Name="en-GB"/>
                      <!-- GeoID -->
                          <gs:GeoID Value="242"/>
                          <gs:MUILanguage Value="en-GB"/>
                          <gs:MUIFallback Value="en-US"/>
                      <!-- input preferences -->
                          <gs:InputLanguageID Action="add" ID="0809:00000809" Default="true"/> 

                  1. powershell 脚本中启动应用程序之前设置值:
                  1. Setting the values before starting the application in a powershell script:

                  Set-WinSystemLocale -SystemLocale en-GB
                  Set-WinHomeLocation -GeoId 242
                  Set-WinUserLanguageList -LanguageList (New-WinUserLanguageList -Language en-GB) -Force
                  Set-Location -Path "C:\AppFolder"

                  设置容器并附加后,我可以看到 Get-WinHomeLocation 已更新,Get-WinUserLanguageList 显示 en_GB 作为选项,但是,来自 Get-WinSystemLocale 的 Windows 的默认语言仍然返回 en-US

                  After setting up the container and attaching I can see that Get-WinHomeLocation has updated, Get-WinUserLanguageList shows en_GB as an option, however the default language for windows from Get-WinSystemLocale still returns en-US

                  我还考虑过从 en-GB Windows Server Core 基本映像构建自己的基本映像并运行 Microsoft 运行的框架设置以创建 Framework runtime 4.8 映像,但 Microsoft 似乎没有发布 en-GB 基本映像图片!

                  I also considered building my own base image from the en-GB Windows Server Core base image and running the framework setup that Microsoft runs to create the Framework runtime 4.8 image, but Microsoft don't seem to publish an en-GB base image!


                  Has anyone else come across this? How did you resolve it? Any other suggestions?


                  答案是Docker容器在使用进程隔离时会从宿主机继承语言设置.因此,根据需要更改主机的语言设置.在 PowerShell 中,要设置区域,您可以这样做:

                  The answer is that a Docker container inherits language settings from the host when using Process Isolation. So, change the host's language settings as desired. In PowerShell, to set the Region you can do this:

                  Set-WinSystemLocale en-GB

                  现在运行 Docker:

                  Now run Docker:

                  docker run -it --isolation=process mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1909 PowerShell

                  在 Docker 外壳中:

                  Within the Docker shell:

                  LCID             Name             DisplayName
                  ----             ----             -----------
                  2057             en-GB            English (United Kingdom)

                  这篇关于在 Windows Docker 容器中设置语言和区域设置的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:企业库应用程序块还是自研框架? 下一篇:.net runtime 2.0 而不是最新版本?


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