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                2. 本文介绍了企业库应用程序块还是自研框架?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  We are currently looking to adopt some type of "standard" developer framework and have looked into using the Enterprise Library. Would you recommend using these blocks as the foundation for software development, or should we do something home grown?



                  Like all good answers to architecture and programming questions, the answer is "it depends".


                  It depends on how unique your data access and object design needs are. It may also depend on how you plan on supporting your application in the long term. Finally, it greatly depends on the skill level of your developers.


                  There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but generally, if your main focus is on cranking out software that provides some business value, pick out an existing framework and run with it. Don't spend your cycles building something that won't immediately drive business profits (i.e. increases revenues and/or decreases costs).

                  例如,我组织的一个项目是公司运营的核心,需要尽快开发和部署,并且会有很长的生命周期.出于这些原因,我们在 Enterprise Library 的帮助下选择了 CSLA.我们本可以选择其他框架,但重要的是我们选择了一个看起来很适合我们的应用程序和我们的开发人员技能集的框架,并且我们使用它来运行.

                  For example, one of my organization's projects is core to the operations of the company, needs to be developed and deployed as soon as possible, and will have a long life. For these reasons, we picked CSLA with some help from Enterprise Library. We could have picked other frameworks, but the important thing is that we picked a framework that seemed like it would fit well with our application and our developer skillset and we ran with it.


                  It gave us a good headstart and a community from which we can get support. We immediately started with functionality that provided business value and were not banging our heads against the wall trying to build a framework.


                  We are also in the position where we can hire people in the future who have most likely had exposure to our framework, giving them a really good headstart. This should reduce long-term support costs.


                  Are there things we don't use and overhead that we may not need? Perhaps. But, I'll trade that all day long for delivering business value in code early and often.


                  上一篇:带有文本文件的实体框架(没有数据库!) 下一篇:在 Windows Docker 容器中设置语言和区域设置


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