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        .NET - 具有相同命名空间的多个库 - 引用

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                2. 本文介绍了.NET - 具有相同命名空间的多个库 - 引用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  这个挑战涉及我需要从我的应用程序中引用的两个 .NET 库.两者我都无法控制,并且在它们中具有相同的命名空间.


                  我的 foo.dll 包含一个 Widget 类,该类位于 Blue.Red.Orange 命名空间中.

                  我的 bar.dll 还包含一个 Widget 类,该类也位于 Blue.Red.Orange 命名空间中.p>

                  最后,我的应用程序需要同时引用 foo.dllbar.dll.这是需要的,因为在我的应用程序中,我需要使用 foo 中的 Widget 类以及 bar 中的 Widget 类>

                  那么,问题是如何管理这些引用,以便确定我使用的是正确的 Widget 类?

                  如前所述,我无法控制 foobar 库,它们就是它们的本来面目,无法更改.但是,我可以完全控制我的应用程序.


                  您需要使用 extern alias - 在 C# 2 中引入.

                  Anson Horton 在他的博客上有一个演练,您可以觉得有用.

                  Today I am faced with a curious challenge...

                  This challenge involves two .NET libraries that I need to reference from my application. Both of which I have no control over and have the same namespace within them.


                  I have foo.dll that contains a Widget class that is located on the Blue.Red.Orange namespace.

                  I have bar.dll that also contains a Widget class that is also located on the Blue.Red.Orange namespace.

                  Finally I have my application that needs to reference both foo.dll and bar.dll. This is needed as within my application I need to use the Widget class from foo and also the Widget class from bar

                  So, the question is how can I manage these references so that I can be certain I am using the correct Widget class?

                  As mentioned, I have no control over the foo or bar libraries, they are what they are and cannot be changed. I do however have full control over my application.


                  You need to use an extern alias - introduced in C# 2.

                  Anson Horton has a walkthrough on his blog which you may find useful.

                  这篇关于.NET - 具有相同命名空间的多个库 - 引用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在使用 Lucene 进行搜索时,我们能否在 templateId 中分配多个模板 ID(就像我们在 relatedId 下一篇:.net 中未使用的用法会影响性能吗?


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