我在 Lucene.Net 中做了一个过滤器来限制搜索的结果.我遇到了一个非常奇怪的问题.过滤器不适用于文本值,而是处理数字值.
I have made a filter in Lucene.Net to limit the result of the search. I am encountering a very strange issue. The filter is not working with Text Values but working with number values.
If I am making a filter with Number values something like below. It is working perfectly.
String field = "id";
Filter LE= new QueryWrapperFilter(new TermQuery( new Term(field, "1234567")));
indexSearcher.Search(QueryMaker(searchString, searchfields), LE, coll);
但是,如果我给出一个包含 Text 的值
However, if I give a value containing Text
String field = "id";
Filter LE = new QueryWrapperFilter(new TermQuery(new Term(field, "ZZZOCB9X9Y")));
indexSearcher.Search(QueryMaker(searchString, searchfields), LE, coll);
it is failing. The result is not displaying any records.
谁能解释一下这个问题.此外,我已经对其进行了多次测试以提出此要求.我在一些论坛上读到 Lucene 版本低于 3 的 Term Query 可能会有这个问题.但是,我已将版本更改为 3.0.3,但错误仍然存在.我非常需要程序中的过滤器才能工作.否则我将不得不离开 Lucene 并寻找其他东西.
Can somebody explain me the issue. Also, I have tested it numerous times to make this claim. I have read on some forums that the Term Query in Lucene versions below 3 will probably have this issue. However, I have changed the version to 3.0.3 but error still persists. I badly need the filter in my program to work. Otherwise I will have to move away from Lucene and find something else.
会将 TokenStream
will lowercase all the characters in your TokenStream
Filter LE = new QueryWrapperFilter(new TermQuery(new Term(field, "ZZZOCB9X9Y".ToLowerInvariant())));
这篇关于为什么过滤器不适用于 Lucene.Net 中的文本/字符串值?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!