Active Directory - 用户的角色

本文介绍了Active Directory - 用户的角色的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我了解如何使用 User.IdentityUser.IsInRole

I understand how to use User.Identity and User.IsInRole


Is there a way to see all of the roles a user is in?

我们有很多组,有些人在很多组中,但我不想写 User.IsInRole 20+ 次.

We have a lot of groups and some people are in a lot of groups, but I don't want to write a User.IsInRole 20+ times.


在 Active Directory 上下文中,您所指的角色实际上是用户所属的安全(或授权)组.

In an Active Directory context, the Roles you refer to are really the security (or authorization) groups a user is a member of.

因此,如果您使用 .NET 3.5 及更高版本,则应查看 System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement (S.DS.AM) 命名空间.在此处阅读所有相关信息:

So if you're on .NET 3.5 and up, you should check out the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement (S.DS.AM) namespace. Read all about it here:

  • 在 .NET Framework 3.5 中管理目录安全主体莉>
  • 有关 System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement 的 MSDN 文档

基本上,您可以定义域上下文并轻松找到 AD 中的用户和/或组:

Basically, you can define a domain context and easily find users and/or groups in AD:

// set up domain context
using (PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
   // find a user
   UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, "SomeUserName");

   if(user != null)
       // get the authorization groups - those are the "roles" 
       var groups = user.GetAuthorizationGroups();

       foreach(Principal principal in groups)
           // do something with the group (or role) in question

新的 S.DS.AM 使在 AD 中与用户和组一起玩变得非常容易!

The new S.DS.AM makes it really easy to play around with users and groups in AD!

这篇关于Active Directory - 用户的角色的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:如何在 C# 中通过 LDAPS 连接到 Active Directory? 下一篇:客户可配置的 网站安全性,用于对页面和按钮访问进行细粒度控制

