我有一个 TContainer 类,它是几个指向 TItems 类的 stl 集合指针的集合.
I have a class TContainer that is an aggregate of several stl collections pointers to TItems class.
我需要创建一个迭代器来遍历 TContainer 类中所有集合中的元素,抽象出内部工作的客户端.
I need to create an Iterator to traverse the elements in all the collections in my TContainer class abstracting the client of the inner workings.
What would be a good way to do this?. Should I crate a class that extends an iterator (if so, what iterator class should I extend), should I create an iterator class that is an aggregate of iterators?
我只需要一个 FORWARD_ONLY 迭代器.
I only need a FORWARD_ONLY iterator.
I.E, If this is my container:
什么是遍历 m_Items 成员变量的向量中包含的所有项目的好的迭代器.
What would be a good Iterator to traverse all the items contained in the vectors of the m_Items member variable.
当我做自己的迭代器时(不久前),我继承自 std::iterator 并将类型指定为第一个模板参数.希望有所帮助.
When I did my own iterator (a while ago now) I inherited from std::iterator and specified the type as the first template parameter. Hope that helps.
对于前向迭代器,在以下代码中使用 forward_iterator_tag 而不是 input_iterator_tag.
For forward iterators user forward_iterator_tag rather than input_iterator_tag in the following code.
这个类最初取自 istream_iterator 类(并为我自己使用而修改,因此它可能不再类似于 istram_iterator).
This class was originally taken from istream_iterator class (and modified for my own use so it may not resemble the istram_iterator any more).
Check this documentation on iterator tags:
Having just re-read the information on iterators:
这是旧的做事方式 (iterator_tags),更现代的方法是为您的迭代器设置 iterator_traits<> 以使其与 STL 完全兼容.
This is the old way of doing things (iterator_tags) the more modern approach is to set up iterator_traits<> for your iterator to make it fully compatible with the STL.
这篇关于C++ 中的自定义迭代器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!