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        struct, typedef struct, 在 C++ 中的用途


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                  本文介绍了struct, typedef struct, 在 C++ 中的用途的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在 C++ 中可以创建一个结构体:

                  In C++ it is possible to create a struct:

                  struct MyStruct


                  typedef struct
                  } MyStruct;


                  And yet as far as I can tell, no discernable difference between the two. Which is preferable? Why do both ways exist if there is no difference? Is one better than the other in style or readability?


                  typedef 版本是

                  The typedef version is a special case of

                  typedef foo bar;

                  定义了一个新的类型"栏作为 foo 的别名.在您的情况下, foo 恰好是一个结构.在 C 中,这是引入新类型"的唯一方法(在引号中,因为它们并不真正等同于 int、float 和 co).在 C++ 中,这不是那么有用,因为 C++ 旨在使新类型的定义比 C 更容易和更完整(至少在 C++ 开始时),并且 typedef 甚至不需要引用先前声明的结构(或班级).

                  which defines a new "type" bar as an alias for foo. In your case, foo happens to be a struct. In C, this was the only way to introduce new "types" (in quotes, because they are not really equivalent to int, float and co). In C++, this is not so useful, because C++ was designed to make definition of new types easier and more complete than C (at least at the beginnings of C++), and the typedef is not even necessary to refer to a previously declared struct (or class).

                  这篇关于struct, typedef struct, 在 C++ 中的用途的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:将对象初始化为零 下一篇:双花括号初始化 C 结构的含义是什么?


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