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    3. C 结构体大小不一致

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                本文介绍了C 结构体大小不一致的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                Struct 的内存大小不同?


                它给出的大小与预期的 8 字节不同.

                struct HttpPacket {无符号字符 x1;联合{结构{无符号字符长度;未签名的短主机;无符号字符内容[4];} 数据包;无符号字符字节[7];无符号长数;}


                struct HttpPacket {无符号字符 x1;联合{结构{无符号字符长度;未签名的短主机;无符号字符内容[4];} 数据包;无符号长数;}



                struct {无符号字符长度;未签名的短主机;无符号字符内容[4];} 数据包;

                它给出的大小为 8,而不是 7.我再添加一个字段,它仍然给出相同的大小

                struct {无符号字符 EXTRAADDEDFIELD;无符号字符长度;未签名的短主机;无符号字符内容[4];} 数据包;








                Possible Duplicate:
                How do I find the size of a struct?
                Struct varies in memory size?

                I am using following struct for network communication, It creates lots of unnecessary bytes in between.

                It gives different size than expected 8 Bytes.

                struct HttpPacket {
                  unsigned char x1;
                  union {
                        struct {
                           unsigned char  len;
                           unsigned short host;
                           unsigned char content[4];
                        } packet;
                        unsigned char bytes[7];
                        unsigned long num;

                And Following gives different size even though that I am removing a field from a union

                struct HttpPacket {
                             unsigned char x1;
                             union {
                            struct {
                               unsigned char  len;
                               unsigned short host;
                               unsigned char content[4];
                            } packet;
                            unsigned long num;

                Also, A more clear example

                struct {
                               unsigned char  len;
                               unsigned short host;
                               unsigned char content[4];
                            } packet;

                And it gives a size of 8, instead of 7. And I add one more field, It still gives the same size

                struct {
                               unsigned char  EXTRAADDEDFIELD;
                               unsigned char  len;
                               unsigned short host;
                               unsigned char content[4];
                            } packet;

                Can someone please help on resolving this issue ?

                UPDATE: I need the format to hold while transmitting the packet, So I want to skip these paddings


                Ever heard of alignment and padding?

                Basically, to ensure fast access, certain types have to be on certain bounds of memory addresses.
                This is called alignment.

                To achieve that, the compiler is allowed to insert bytes into your data structure to achieve that alignment.
                This is called padding.

                这篇关于C 结构体大小不一致的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:如何创建 std::set 结构? 下一篇:比较 C++ 中的结构时找不到 == 运算符


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