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                  Boost邮件列表上,以下聪明的@LouisDionne 最近发布了创建类似元组的实体的技巧:

                  On the Boost mailinglist, the following clever trick to create a tuple-like entity was recently posted by @LouisDionne:

                  #include <iostream>
                  auto list = [](auto ...xs) { 
                      return [=](auto access) { return access(xs...); }; 
                  auto length = [](auto xs) { 
                      return xs([](auto ...z) { return sizeof...(z); }); 
                  int main()
                      std::cout << length(list(1, '2', "3")); // 3    


                  聪明之处在于 list 是一个将可变参数列表作为输入的 lambda,并返回一个 lambda 作为输出,该 lambda 将采用另一个 lambda 对其输入进行操作.类似地,length 是一个采用类似列表实体的 lambda,它将向列表的原始输入参数提供可变参数 sizeof... 运算符.sizeof... 运算符被包裹在 lambda 中,以便它可以传递到 list.

                  The cleverness is that list is a lambda taking a variadic parameter-list as input, and returning a lambda as an output that will take another lambda to act on its input. Similarly, length is a lambda taking a list-like entity, to which it will supply the variadic sizeof... operator to the list's original input parameters. The sizeof... operator is wrapped inside a lambda so that it can be passed to the list.


                  Question: is there a name for this tuple-creation idiom? Perhaps from a functional programming language where higher-order functions are more commonly used.


                  我认为这是一个类似于 Monad 的东西的微妙实现,特别是与延续 monad 相同的东西.

                  I think this is a subtle implementation of a Monad-like thing, specifically something in the same spirit of the continuation monad.

                  Monads 是一种函数式编程结构,用于模拟计算的不同步骤之间的状态(请记住,函数式语言是无状态的).
                  monad 的作用是链接不同的函数,创建一个计算管道",其中每一步都知道计算的当前状态.

                  Monads are a functional programming construction used to simulate state between different steps of a computation (Remember that a functional language is stateless).
                  What a monad does is to chain different functions, creating a "computation pipeline" where each step knows about the current state of the computation.

                  Monads 有两个主要支柱:

                  Monads have two primary pilars:

                  • 一个返回函数,它接受一个值并以 Monad-ready 的形式返回它.
                  • 一个绑定函数,它接受一个 Monad-ready 值(来自上一个管道步骤)并将其解包到原始 from 以将该值传递给下一步.

                  维基百科有关于 monad 的很好的例子和解释.

                  The Wikipedia has very good examples and explanations about monads.

                  让我重写给定的 C++14 代码:

                  Let me rewrite the given C++14 code:

                  auto list = []( auto... xs ) 
                      return [=]( auto access ) { return access(xs...); };

                  我认为这里我们确定了 monad 的 return 函数:获取值并以 Monadic 方式返回它.具体来说,此返回返回一个从元组"类别到可变参数包类别的函子(在数学意义上,不是 C++ 函子).

                  I think here we identify the return function of a monad: Takes the value and returns it in a Monadic way. Specifically, this return returns a functor (In the mathematical sense, not a C++ functor) which goes from the "tuple" category to the variadic pack category.

                  auto pack_size = [](auto... xs ) { return sizeof...(xs); };

                  pack_size 只是一个普通的函数.它将用于管道中以完成一些工作.

                  pack_size is just a normal function. It would be used in a pipeline to do some work.

                  auto bind = []( auto xs , auto op ) 
                      return xs(op);

                  而且 length 只是一个接近于 monad bind 操作符的非通用版本,该操作符从前一个管道步骤中获取一个 monadic 值,并绕过到指定的函数(真正起作用的函数).该函数是此计算步骤完成的功能.

                  And length is only a non-generic version of something near to the monad bind operator, an operator which takes a monadic value from a previous pipeline step, and bypasses it to the specified function (Function which really does the work). That function is the functionality done by this computation step.


                  Finally your call could be rewritten as:

                  auto result = bind(list(1,'2',"3"), pack_size);

                  那么,这个元组创建习惯用法的名称是什么?好吧,我认为这可以称为类单子元组",因为它不完全是一个 monad,但是元组的表示和扩展以类似的方式工作,仍然是 Haskell 的 continuation monad.

                  So, whats the name of this tuple creation idiom? Well, I think this could be called "monad-like tuples", since its not exactly a monad, but the tuple representation and expansion works in a similar way, remaining to the Haskell continuation monad.

                  只是为了有趣的 C++ 编程的震撼,我一直在探索这个类似 monad 的东西.您可以在此处找到一些示例.

                  Just for the shake of funny C++ programming, I have followed exploring this monad-like thing. You could find some examples here.


                  上一篇:如何立即调用 C++ lambda? 下一篇:返回 lambda 表达式的函数


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