我正在尝试创建一个类,该类将从一组向量中绘制元素(并将这些向量作为类中的容器保存),但我觉得在管理具有许多函数(如 vectorOneAdd、vectorTwoAdd)的向量时为了向向量添加元素是没有意义的.一定有更好的方法,这就是我在这里问的原因,我听说您可以使用模板来做到这一点,但我不太确定如何.需要帮助.不想有很多无意义的代码.
I am trying to create a class thats going to draw elements from a set of vectors (and also hold these vectors as containers inside the class), but i feel that when managing the vector having lots of functions like vectorOneAdd, vectorTwoAdd used in order to add elements to the vector is pointless. There must be a better way, thats why i am asking here, I heard you can use templates to do it, but i am not quite certain how. Assistance needed. Don't want to have lots of pointless code in.
Example of what I mean below:
Please use example code, thanks :)
having lots of functions like vectorOneAdd, vectorTwoAdd used in order to add elements to the vector is pointless. There must be a better way
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