使用 C++ 和一些 Winapi 的东西,我遇到了这个家伙:
With C++ and some Winapi things, I encountered this guy:
所以,在我看来,取决于 MIDL_PASS 是否设置,这要么是一个非常紧凑的结构,其中只有一个 LONGLONG,要么更有趣的是,这变成了一个联合.
So, the way I see it, depending on MIDL_PASS being set or not, this is either a very compact struct with only a LONGLONG in it, or the much more interesting case, this becomes a union.
如果这是一个联合,对我来说仍然有意义,有两种访问可能性,一次是 LONGLONG 在一个块中,一次是具有 Low 和 Highpart 的结构.到目前为止一切顺利.
In case this is a union, it still makes sense to me, to have two possibilites of access, once the LONGLONG in one chunk, and once the struct with Low and Highpart. So far so good.
But I cannot make any sense out of the fact that the struct is declared twice, identically. It seems they are both anonymous, but the latter one is available via "u".
Why are the two structs defined (redundantly?), what is the purpose of the first one, if I cannot even access it, due to not being bound to any type / variable name.
Microsoft 提供匿名结构作为 extension(他们的示例显示了另一个结构中的一个结构,但联合中的结构是相似的).如果您不介意基于其扩展名的不可移植代码,您可以使用以下内容:
Microsoft provides anonymous structs as an extension (their example shows one struct inside another struct, but a struct in a union is similar). If you don't mind non-portable code based on their extension, you can use things like:
but if you want portable code, you need:
这篇关于无法理解 LARGE_INTEGER 结构的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!