我正在考虑如何从头开始实现 std::vector
I am thinking of how I can implement std::vector
from the ground up.
How does it resize the vector?
only seems to work for plain old stucts, or am I wrong?
.相反,它使用传递的分配器(默认为 std::allocator
it is a simple templated class which wraps a native array. It does not use malloc
. Instead, it uses the passed allocator (which by default is std::allocator
调整大小是通过分配一个新数组并从旧数组复制构造新数组中的每个元素来完成的(这样对于非 POD 对象是安全的).为了避免频繁分配,它们通常遵循非线性增长模式.
Resizing is done by allocating a new array and copy constructing each element in the new array from the old one (this way it is safe for non-POD objects). To avoid frequent allocations, often they follow a non-linear growth pattern.
更新:在 C++11 中,如果存储类型可能,元素将被移动而不是复制构造.
UPDATE: in C++11, the elements will be moved instead of copy constructed if it is possible for the stored type.
In addition to this, it will need to store the current "size" and "capacity". Size is how many elements are actually in the vector. Capacity is how many could be in the vector.
So as a starting point a vector will need to look somewhat like this:
另一个常见的实现是存储指向数组不同部分的指针.这稍微降低了 end()
(不再需要添加)的成本,但代价是稍微昂贵的 size()
The other common implementation is to store pointers to the different parts of the array. This cheapens the cost of end()
(which no longer needs an addition) ever so slightly at the expense of a marginally more expensive size()
call (which now needs a subtraction). In which case it could look like this:
我相信 gcc 的 libstdc++ 使用后一种方法,但这两种方法同样有效且一致.
I believe gcc's libstdc++ uses the latter approach, but both approaches are equally valid and conforming.
NOTE: This is ignoring a common optimization where the empty base class optimization is used for the allocator. I think that is a quality of implementation detail, and not a matter of correctness.