由于我的图使用 setS 作为顶点,我必须为我的图提供一个 vertex_index 属性映射,或者为 write_graphviz 提供一个显式的 vertex_id 参数,以便能够使用 write_graphviz.我的图定义为:typedef adjacency_list
其中 NodeData 和 EdgeData 是结构.你能给我一个非常简单的例子来说明如何为我的图形提供一个 vertex_index 属性映射吗?或者如何给 write_graphviz 一个明确的 vertex_id 参数?
Since my graph use setS for vertex, I have to either provide a vertex_index property map for my graph, or give an explicit vertex_id argument to write_graphviz, to be able to use write_graphviz.
My graph is defined as: typedef adjacency_list<setS, setS, undirectedS, NodeData, EdgeData> Graph;
Where NodeData and EdgeData are structures.
Can you please give me a very simple example of how to provide a vertex_index property map for my graph ? or how to give an explicit vertex_id argument to write_graphviz ?
解决方案就是:1) 假设顶点描述符被定义为 typedef Graph::vertex_descriptor NodeID;
The solution is just to:
1) Say the vertex descriptor is defined as typedef Graph::vertex_descriptor NodeID;
then you need to define an associative property map as following:
2) 在代码中,索引所有顶点如下:
2) In the code, index all vertices as following:
3) 您现在可以使用 graphvize 来绘制/可视化您的图表,如下所示:
3) You can now use graphvize to drow/visualize your graph as following:
The graph will be described in example.txt, you can visualize it using graphviz.
这篇关于如何为我的图形提供 vertex_index 属性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!