Is it possible to store different vertex attributes in different vertex buffers?
All the examples I've seen so far do something like this
不能在不同的 VBO 中存储位置数据和颜色数据吗?问题是我不明白这是怎么回事,因为你不能同时绑定两个缓冲区,对吗?
Isn't it possible to store position data and color data in different VBOs? The problem is I don't understand how this would work out because you can't bind two buffers at once, can you?
If there is a simple but inefficient solution, I would prefer it over a more complicated but efficient solution because I am in primary learning state and I don't want to complicate things too much.
Also, if what I'm asking is possible, is it a good idea or not?
澄清:我确实了解如何在不同的 VBO 中存储不同的属性.我不明白我以后会怎么画它们.
To clarify: I do understand how I could store different attributes in different VBO's. I don't understand how I would later draw them.
属性位置 X 和提供该属性的缓冲区对象之间的关联是使用 glVertexAttribPointer
The association between attribute location X and the buffer object that provides that attribute is made with the glVertexAttribPointer
command. The way it works is simple, but unintuitive.
在调用 glVertexAttribPointer
时(这是很多人没有得到的部分),当前绑定到 GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
的任何缓冲区对象code> 与属性 X 相关联,其中 X 是 glVertexAttribPointer
At the time glVertexAttribPointer
is called (that's the part a lot of people don't get), whatever buffer object is currently bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
becomes associated with the attribute X, where X is the first parameter of glVertexAttribPointer
So if you want to have an attribute that comes from one buffer and an attribute that comes from another, you do this:
例如,假设您正在制作动态高度图,可能是为了某种水效果.每个元素的 Z 位置发生变化,但这也意味着法线发生变化.但是,XY 位置和纹理坐标不会改变.
For example, let's say you're doing a dynamic height-map, perhaps for some kind of water effect. The Z position of each element changes, but this also means that the normals change. However, the XY positions and the texture coordinates do not change.
高效的流媒体通常需要双缓冲缓冲区对象或使它们无效(使用 glBufferData(NULL) 或 glMapBufferRange(GL_INVALIDATE_BIT) 重新分配它们).任何一种方法都只有在流数据位于非流数据的另一个缓冲区对象中时才有效.
Efficient streaming often requires either double-buffering buffer objects or invalidating them (reallocating them with a glBufferData(NULL) or glMapBufferRange(GL_INVALIDATE_BIT)). Either way only works if the streamed data is in another buffer object from the non-streamed data.
Another example of a demonstrable need is if memory is a concern and several objects share certain attribute lists. Perhaps objects have different position and normal arrays but the same color and texture coordinate arrays. Or something like that.
But otherwise, it's best to just put everything for an object into one buffer. Even if you don't interleave the arrays.
这篇关于在不同的 VBO 中存储不同的顶点属性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!