这是我用于创建和渲染包含具有顶点位置的 VBO 的 VAO 的代码.但不幸的是它不起作用.它绘制一个三角形而不是一个四边形.但是当我把loadToVAO函数的代码放在while循环之前的update函数中时,它就起作用了.
This is my code for creating and rendering a VAO that contains a VBO with the vertex positions. But unfortunately it doesn't work. It draws a triangle instead of a quad. But when I put the code of the loadToVAO function in the update function before the while loop, it works.
The sizeof
operator always returns the size of the underlying type. When you copy the content of loadToVAO
to the update function, sizeof(vertices)
is basically sizeof(float[18])
, which is the total size of the array.
但是在 loadToVAO
将函数参数 vertices
作为输入而不是全局变量.由于在 C++ 中未定义大小的数组参数被视为我们这里的相同类型的点:
But inside the loadToVAO
, the sizeof(vertices)
takes the function parameter vertices
as input and not the global variable. Since array parameters of undefined size in C++ are treated as points of the same type we have here:
它是指针的大小(4 或 8),不再是数据的大小.
which is the size of a pointer (4 or 8) and not the size of the data anymore.
要解决这个问题,您可以将数组的大小也传递给函数,这是 C 的方法.更现代的方法是首先使用 std::array
或 std::vector
To solve this, you can either pass the size of the array also to the function, which is the C way to go. The more modern way is to use std::array
or std::vector
to store the data in the first place.
第二次查看时,我看到您首先使用了 sizeof(vertices) * 8
.我不太确定 8 是从哪里来的,因为你既没有 8 个元素,浮点数也没有 8 个字节的大小.
On the second look I saw that you used sizeof(vertices) * 8
in the first place. I'm not really sure where the 8 comes from, since you neither have 8 elements nor does a float have a size of 8 bytes.
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