We're doing a great deal of floating-point to integer number conversions in our project. Basically, something like this
执行转换的默认 C 函数非常耗时.
The default C function which performs the conversion turns out to be quite time consuming.
Is there any work around (maybe a hand tuned function) which can speed up the process a little bit? We don't care much about a precision.
Most of the other answers here just try to eliminate loop overhead.
只有 deft_code 的答案 触及了真正问题的核心——将浮点数转换为整数是在 x86 处理器上价格高得惊人.deft_code 的解决方案是正确的,尽管他没有给出引用或解释.
Only deft_code's answer gets to the heart of what is likely the real problem -- that converting floating point to integers is shockingly expensive on an x86 processor. deft_code's solution is correct, though he gives no citation or explanation.
这里是技巧的来源,有一些解释以及特定于您是要向上、向下还是向零舍入的版本:了解您的 FPU
Here is the source of the trick, with some explanation and also versions specific to whether you want to round up, down, or toward zero: Know your FPU
Sorry to provide a link, but really anything written here, short of reproducing that excellent article, is not going to make things clear.