I was doing a quick performance test on a block of code
我对处理 65536 个音频样本只需要 1 毫秒多一点的原始非常幼稚的实现的速度感到满意.
I was happy with the speed up over the original very naive implementation it takes just over 1 msec to process 65536 audio samples.
However just for fun I tried the following
现在我完全期望这能提供与原始代码完全相同的性能.然而,突然之间,循环现在占用了 900 微秒(即它比其他实现快 100 微秒).
Now I fully expected this to give exactly the same performance as the original code. However suddenly the loop is now taking 900usec (i.e. it's 100usec faster than the other implementation).
是否初始化新分配的向量,而reserve 只是分配但不构造?这是我唯一能想到的.
Can anyone explain why this would give better performance? Does resize()
initialize the newly allocated vector where reserve just allocates but does not construct? This is the only thing I can think of.
PS 这是在单核 2Ghz AMD Turion 64 ML-37 上测试的.
PS this was tested on a single core 2Ghz AMD Turion 64 ML-37.
resize 是否初始化新分配的向量,而reserve 只分配但不构造?
Does resize initialize the newly allocated vector where reserve just allocates but does not construct?
这篇关于std::vector Reserve() 和 push_back() 比 resize() 和数组索引快,为什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!