我想知道在移动 2 的幂时执行逻辑右移是否更快
I would like to know if performing a logical right shift is faster when shifting by a power of 2
I appreciate that everyone's first response will be to tell me that one shouldn't worry about tiny little things like this, it's using correct algorithms and collections to cut orders of magnitude that matters. I fully agree with you, but I am really trying to squeeze all I can out of an embedded chip (an ATMega328) - I just got a performance shift worthy of a 'woohoo!' by replacing a divide with a bit-shift, so I promise you that this does matter.
据我所知,ASR(算术右移)总是移位一位,不能取位数移位;执行需要一个周期.因此,右移 n 位需要 n 个周期.二的幂的行为与任何其他数字相同.
As far as I can see, the ASR (arithmetic shift right) always shifts by one bit and cannot take the number of bits to shift; it takes one cycle to execute. Therefore, shifting right by n bits will take n cycles. Powers of two behave just the same as any other number.
这篇关于在 AVR 中,逻辑右移是否快了 2 的幂?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!