It seems the compiler has two approaches here:
(a) NRVO:破坏 x,然后构造 f() 代替 x.
(b) 移动:在临时空间构造 f(),将 f() 移动到 x,析构 f().
(a) NRVO: Destruct x, then construct f() in place of x.
(b) Move: Construct f() in temp space, move f() into x, destruct f().
Is the compiler free to use either approach, according to the standard?
编译器可能会将 NRVO 放入临时空间,或者将构造移动到临时空间.从那里它会移动assign x
The compiler may NRVO into a temp space, or move construct into a temp space. From there it will move assign x
Any time you're tempted to optimize with rvalue references, and you're not positive of the results, create yourself an example class that keeps track of its state:
- 构建
- 默认构造
- 搬离
- 销毁
And run that class through your test. For example:
If it helps, put print statements in the special members that you're interested in (e.g. copy constructor, move constructor, etc.).
顺便说一句,如果这对您造成了错误,请不要担心.它对我来说也是段错误.因此,这种特殊设计(返回对局部变量的右值引用)不是一个好的设计.在您的系统上,它可能会打印出A is destructed"而不是段错误.这将是您不想这样做的另一个迹象.
Btw, if this segfaults on you, don't worry. It segfaults for me too. Thus this particular design (returning an rvalue reference to a local variable) is not a good design. On your system, instead of segfaulting, it may print out "A is destructed". This would be another sign that you don't want to do this.
这篇关于移动或命名返回值优化 (NRVO)?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!