这是在 Cygwin 下运行的 g++ 编译器上的.即使没有开启优化(-O0
This was on the g++ compiler running under Cygwin. The pointers all point to the same location even with no optimization turned on (-O0
Does the compiler always optimize so much that it searches all the string constants to see if they are equal? Can this behaviour be relied on?
It's an extremely easy optimization, probably so much so that most compiler writers don't even consider it much of an optimization at all. Setting the optimization flag to the lowest level doesn't mean "Be completely naive," after all.
Compilers will vary in how aggressive they are at merging duplicate string literals. They might limit themselves to a single subroutine — put those four declarations in different functions instead of a single function, and you might see different results. Others might do an entire compilation unit. Others might rely on the linker to do further merging among multiple compilation units.
You can't rely on this behavior, unless your particular compiler's documentation says you can. The language itself makes no demands in this regard. I'd be wary about relying on it in my own code, even if portability weren't a concern, because behavior is liable to change even between different versions of a single vendor's compiler.