我有一个相对较旧的应用程序.通过一些细微的更改,它几乎可以完美地与 Visual C++ 2008 一起构建.我注意到的一件事是我的调试控制台"工作不太正常.基本上在过去,我使用 AllocConsole()
为我的调试输出创建一个控制台.然后我会使用 freopen
将 stdout
重定向到它.这与 C 和 C++ 风格的 IO 完美配合.
I have an application which is a relatively old. Through some minor changes, it builds nearly perfectly with Visual C++ 2008. One thing that I've noticed is that my "debug console" isn't quite working right. Basically in the past, I've use AllocConsole()
to create a console for my debug output to go to. Then I would use freopen
to redirect stdout
to it. This worked perfectly with both C and C++ style IO.
现在,它似乎只适用于 C 风格的 IO.将 cout
之类的东西重定向到使用 AllocConsole()
Now, it seems that it will only work with C style IO. What is the proper way to redirect things like cout
to a console allocated with AllocConsole()
Here's the code which used to work:
编辑:我想到的一件事是我可以制作一个自定义的流缓冲,其溢出方法使用 C 风格的 IO 写入并替换 std::cout
的默认值流缓冲区.但这似乎是一种逃避.2008 年有没有合适的方法来做到这一点?或者这可能是 MS 忽略的东西?
EDIT: one thing which occurred to me is that I could make a custom streambuf whose overflow method writes using C style IO and replace std::cout
's default stream buffer with it. But that seems like a cop-out. Is there a proper way to do this in 2008? Or is this perhaps something that MS overlooked?
EDIT2: OK, so I've made an implementaiton of the idea I spelled out above. Basically it looks like this:
除了强迫 std::cout
成为美化的 fputc
Anyone have a better/cleaner solution than just forcing std::cout
to be a glorified fputc
2018 年 2 月更新:
Updated Feb 2018:
Here is the latest version of a function which fixes this problem:
In order to define this function, you'll need the following set of includes:
简而言之,此函数将 C/C++ 运行时标准输入/输出/错误句柄与与 Win32 进程关联的当前标准句柄同步.如文档中所述,AllocConsole 为我们更改了这些进程句柄,因此所需要做的就是在 AllocConsole 之后调用这个函数来更新运行时句柄,否则我们将剩下运行时初始化时锁存的句柄.基本用法如下:
In a nutshell, this function synchronizes the C/C++ runtime standard input/output/error handles with the current standard handles associated with the Win32 process. As mentioned in the documentation, AllocConsole changes these process handles for us, so all that's required is to call this function after AllocConsole to update the runtime handles, otherwise we'll be left with the handles that were latched when the runtime was initialized. Basic usage is as follows:
此功能已经历多次修订,因此如果您对历史信息或替代方案感兴趣,请查看对此答案的编辑.然而,当前的答案是解决此问题的最佳解决方案,可提供最大的灵活性并适用于任何 Visual Studio 版本.
This function has gone through several revisions, so check the edits to this answer if you're interested in historical information or alternatives. The current answer is the best solution to this problem however, giving the most flexibility and working on any Visual Studio version.
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