如何在 tkinter 中创建模态对话框?

本文介绍了如何在 tkinter 中创建模态对话框?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 MFC 应用程序,它运行一些嵌入式 Python 脚本.我正在尝试制作这个嵌入式脚本创建的对话框之一,但我没有取得太大的成功.

I have a MFC application which runs some embedded Python scripts. I am trying to make one of the dialogs this embedded script creates modal, but I am not having much success.

谁能指点我制作模态对话框的方法?我需要为此使用 Windows 函数还是仅使用 Tk 或 Python 函数就足够了?

Can anyone point me the way to make a modal dialog? Do I need to use a windows functions for this or only Tk or Python functions are enough?

对于我在 google 上搜索的内容,以下函数组合应该可以发挥作用,但它们似乎并没有像我预期的那样工作:

For what I googled looks like the following combination of functions should do the magic, but they dont seem to work the way I was expecting:





grab_set 是使窗口应用程序模式"的正确机制.也就是说,它接受来自同一应用程序中所有其他窗口的所有输入(即:同一进程中的其他 Tkinter 窗口),但它允许您与其他应用程序进行交互.

grab_set is the proper mechanism for making a window "application modal". That is, it takes all input from all other windows in the same application (ie: other Tkinter windows in the same process), but it allows you to interact with other applications.

如果您希望对话框全局模态,请使用 grab_set_global.这将接管整个系统的所有键盘和鼠标输入.使用此功能时必须非常小心,因为如果您遇到阻止应用释放抓取的错误,您可以轻松地将自己锁定在计算机之外.

If you want your dialog to be globally modal, use grab_set_global. This will take over all keyboard and mouse input for the entire system. You must be extremely careful when using this because you can easily lock yourself out of your computer if you have have a bug that prevents your app from releasing the grab.


When I have the need to do this, during development I'll try to write a bulletproof failsafe such as a timer that will release the grab after a fixed amount of time.

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