我有一个包含一些示例值的 ini 文件,例如:
I have a ini file which contains some sample values like:
我正在尝试加载这些值并使用 Boost 在我的应用程序中打印它们,但我不明白如何在 C++ 中执行此操作.
I'm trying to load these values and print them in my application with Boost but I don't understand how to do this in C++.
我在此论坛中搜索以找到一些示例(我一直使用 C,因此我对 C++ 不太擅长)但我只找到了有关如何一次从文件中读取值的示例.
I searched in this forum in order to find some examples (I always used C and so I'm not very good in C++) but I found only examples about how to read values from file all at once.
我需要的时候只需要加载一个值,比如 string = Section1.Value2
I need to load just a single value when I want, like string = Section1.Value2
because I don't need to read all the values, but just few of them.
I'd like to load single values and to store them in variable in order to use them when I want in my application.
可以用 Boost 做到这一点吗?
It is possible to do this with Boost?
At the moment, I'm using this code:
但这只是读取 for
But this just read all the values in a for
loop; at the contrary I just want to read single values when I want and I don't need to insert values in the file, because it is already written with all the values which I need in my program.
您还可以使用 Boost.PropertyTree 读取 .ini 文件:
You can also use Boost.PropertyTree to read .ini files: