How can I handle multiple AJAX results in a userscript?(如何在用户脚本中处理多个 AJAX 结果?)
Recreating jQuery#39;s ajaxStart and ajaxComplete functionality(重新创建 jQuery 的 ajaxStart 和 ajaxComplete 功能)
Max length of send() data param on XMLHttpRequest Post(XMLHttpRequest Post 上的 send() 数据参数的最大长度)
XMLHTTPRequest.status returns 0 and responseText is blank in FireFox 3.5(XMLHTTPRequest.status 在 FireFox 3.5 中返回 0
Why is the statusText of my XHR empty?(为什么我的 XHR 的 statusText 是空的?)
Opinion about synchronous requests in web workers(关于 Web Worker 中的同步请求的意见)
Fallback for FormData in IE 8/9(IE 8/9 中 FormData 的后备)
Intercept XMLHttpRequest and modify responseText(拦截 XMLHttpRequest 并修改 responseText)
Is monitoring location.hash a solution for history in XHR apps?(监控 location.hash 是 XHR 应用中历史的解决方案吗?)
Capture redirect location of javascript XMLHttpRequest(捕获 javascript XMLHttpRequest 的重定向位置)
XMLHttpRequest throwing InvalidSateError saying quot;Object state must be openedquot;(XMLHttpRequest 抛出 InvalidSateErr
Can one replace xhr.onreadystatechange with xhr.onload for AJAX calls?(可以用 xhr.onload 替换 xhr.onreadystatechange 来