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        可以使用解构赋值来影响 CoffeeScript 中的投影吗?

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                  本文介绍了可以使用解构赋值来影响 CoffeeScript 中的投影吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在理解 CoffeeScript 中的解构赋值时遇到了一些麻烦.documentation 包含几个示例,它们似乎暗示在分配期间重命名对象可以用于投影(即映射、翻译、变换)源对象.

                  I'm having some trouble understanding destructuring assignment in CoffeeScript. The documentation contains a couple of examples which together seem to imply that renaming objects during assignment can be used to project (i.e. map, translate, transform) a source object.

                  我正在尝试将 a = [ { Id: 1, Name: 'Foo' }, { Id: 2, Name: 'Bar' } ] 投影到 b = [ {x: 1 }, { x: 2 } ].我尝试了以下但没有成功;我显然误解了一些东西.谁能解释这是否可能?

                  I am trying to project a = [ { Id: 1, Name: 'Foo' }, { Id: 2, Name: 'Bar' } ] into b = [ { x: 1 }, { x: 2 } ]. I've tried the following without success; I've clearly misunderstood something. Can anyone explain whether this is possible?

                  a = [ { Id: 1, Name: 'Foo' }, { Id: 2, Name: 'Bar' } ]
                  # Huh? This returns 1.
                  x = [ { Id } ] = a
                  # Boo! This returns [ { Id: 1, Name: 'Foo' }, { Id: 2, Name: 'Bar' } ] 
                  y = [ { x: Id } ] = a
                  # Boo! This returns [ { Id: 1, Name: 'Foo' }, { Id: 2, Name: 'Bar' } ]
                  z = [ { Id: x } ] = a

                  CoffeeScript 的并行赋值示例

                  theBait   = 1000
                  theSwitch = 0
                  [theBait, theSwitch] = [theSwitch, theBait]


                  I understand this example as implying that variables can be renamed which in this case is used to perform a swap.

                  futurists =
                    sculptor: "Umberto Boccioni"
                    painter:  "Vladimir Burliuk"
                      name:   "F.T. Marinetti"
                      address: [
                        "Via Roma 42R"
                        "Bellagio, Italy 22021"
                  {poet: {name, address: [street, city]}} = futurists


                  I understand this example as defining a selection of properties from an arbitrary object which includes assigning the elements of an array to variables.

                  a = [ 
                    { Id: 0, Name: { First: 'George', Last: 'Clinton' } },
                    { Id: 1, Name: { First: 'Bill', Last: 'Bush' } },
                  # The old way I was doing it.
                  old_way = _.map a, x ->
                      { Id: id, Name: { First: first, Last: last } } = x
                      { id, first, last }
                  # Using thejh's solution...
                  new_way = ({id, first, last} for {Id: id, Name: {First: first, Last: last}} in a)
                  console.log new_way


                  b = ({x} for {Id: x} in a) 有效:

                  coffee> a = [ { Id: 1, Name: 'Foo' }, { Id: 2, Name: 'Bar' } ]
                  [ { Id: 1, Name: 'Foo' },
                    { Id: 2, Name: 'Bar' } ]
                  coffee> b = ({x} for {Id: x} in a)
                  [ { x: 1 }, { x: 2 } ]

                  这篇关于可以使用解构赋值来影响 CoffeeScript 中的投影吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:引导 Backbone 应用程序 下一篇:检查用户是否阻止了 3rd 方域


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