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        使用 grunt 运行 2 个异步任务

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                  本文介绍了使用 grunt 运行 2 个异步任务的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在开发一个小型节点项目,我使用咖啡脚本而不是客户端代码.我正在尝试使用 grunt 设置我的开发环境.我已经为运行这样的服务器实现了自定义 grunt 任务:

                  I am working on a small node project and I use coffeescript and less for client-side code. I am trying to set up my development environment using grunt. I've implemented custom grunt task for running server like this:

                  start = require './start' #just a function to start express.js application
                  grunt.registerTask 'server', 'Starting server', ->
                      grunt.log.write 'Preparing server to start'
                      done = do @async
                      start (err) ->
                          grunt.log.write "server running at localhost:4000"

                  我还想使用 grunt-contrib-watch 插件运行监视"任务:

                  I also want to run the "watch" task using grunt-contrib-watch plugin:

                              files: ['public/coffee/**/*.coffee']
                              tasks: ['coffee']
                              files: ['public/jade/**/*.jade']
                              tasks: ['jade']
                              files: ['public/less/**/*.less']
                              tasks: ['less']


                  The question is: How to make this two tasks (watch and server) run simultaneously? I want to have a server up and running and don't want to reload it every time some client-side code is changed. Thanks in advance


                  给你的watch任务加前缀,去掉服务器任务里面的done = do @async.

                  Prefix it to your watch tasks, and get rid of the done = do @async inside the server task.

                  任务:['server', 'coffee']

                  您想在 Grunt 配置中指定一个选项,以使服务器任务长时间运行".然后你可以调用 @async 只有当你需要它长时间运行(没有监视任务).

                  You want to specify an option in your Grunt configuration for the server task to be "long-running" or not. Then you can call @async only if you need it to be long running (without the watch task).

                  这篇关于使用 grunt 运行 2 个异步任务的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 CoffeeScript 中,是否有一种“官方"方法可以在运行时而不是在编译时插入字符串? 下一篇:Coffeescript 中的源映射 - 错误未映射到源


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