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      1. CoffeeScript - 不允许在 Angular 表达式中引用 DOM 节点


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                  本文介绍了CoffeeScript - 不允许在 Angular 表达式中引用 DOM 节点的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  在控制器或指令中进行 DOM 操作时出现错误,但是该功能运行良好.

                  I get errors when doing DOM manipulation within Controllers or Directives however, the functionality works perfectly.

                  Error: [$parse:isecdom] Referencing DOM nodes in Angular expressions is disallowed! Expression: open()

                  我想忽略这些错误,并确认这样做是安全的,从 功能 角度(不是设计角度)

                  I would like to ignore these errors, and get the confirmation that it is safe to do so, from a functionality perspective ( not a design perspective )


                  To keep things simple, I would appreciate a simple answer to this question without questioning my need to do this.

                  现在,如果有人确实想更详细地讨论,我有这个要点:https://gist.github.com/kosz/04f916a5725d85045be5(依赖:angular, jquery, jquery ui dialog)使用我目前遇到这种行为的代码.

                  Now, if anybody does want to discuss in more detail, I have this gist : https://gist.github.com/kosz/04f916a5725d85045be5 ( dependencies: angular, jquery, jquery ui dialog ) with the code i'm currently experiencing this behaviour in.

                  到目前为止,我已经尽了最大的努力来消除这个错误,并且根据我阅读的内容和文档,指令中似乎鼓励使用 angular 进行 dom 操作.

                  I have done my best so far, to get rid of this error, and based on what i read, and the docs, dom manipulation in angular seems to be encouraged in the directives.


                  So I've made the code work with a directive, however, it still throws the error !?

                  如您所见,如果用户想要编辑,我正在使用 Jquery UI 并为每个列表项显示它.我没有直接操作 dom,但是,我需要一种方法来控制 jQuery ui 对话框的关闭/打开事件,这不会使 Angular 用错误填充我的控制台.

                  As you can see I am using Jquery UI and showing it for each list item, if the user wants to edit. I am not directly manipulating the dom, however, i need a way to control the close/open events of the jQuery ui Dialog, which doesn't make Angular fill my console with errors.


                  Any insight on this is greatly appreciated.

                  请注意,我知道有角度的 ui 引导模式,在这种特殊情况下,我不能使用它.

                  Please note that I am aware of the angular ui bootstrap modal, and it's not an option for me to use in this particular scenario.


                  由于错误状态,Angular 不允许在表达式中访问 DOM 节点.

                  As the error states, Angular disallows accessing DOM nodes in expressions.

                  如果未指定,CoffeeScript 将使用隐式 return.

                  CoffeeScript uses an implicit return if none is specified.

                  这意味着例如您的代码中的 scope.open 函数将:

                  This means that for example the scope.open function in your code will:

                  return element.dialog('open');

                  Angular 会检测到这一点并抛出错误.

                  Angular will detect this and throw the error.

                  如果你添加一个明确的 return 应该可以解决问题:

                  If you add an explicit return it should solve the issue:

                  scope.open = =>
                    return true

                  这篇关于CoffeeScript - 不允许在 Angular 表达式中引用 DOM 节点的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Node.js:如何为 prod 和 staging 设置不同的变量 下一篇:为什么 Coffeescript 认为阴影是一个坏主意


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