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        如何在 JavaScript 中将自下而上的递归算法转换为迭代堆栈

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                  本文介绍了如何在 JavaScript 中将自下而上的递归算法转换为迭代堆栈的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  console.log(JSON.stringify(create(0), null, 2))
                  function create(i) {
                    if (i == 5) return
                    return new Klass(i, create(i + 1), create(i + 1))
                  function Klass(i, l, r) {
                    this.i = i
                    this.l = l
                    this.r = r

                  它在create(0) last中创建Klass,递归地创建所有的孩子.所以它首先创建叶节点,然后将其传递给父节点,等等.

                  It creates the Klass in create(0) last, after creating all the children, recursively. So it creates the leaf nodes first, then passes that up to the parent, etc.


                  Wondering how to do this using a stack without recursion. Making my head hurt :). I understand how to use a stack to create from the top-down, but not the bottom up. For top-down, it's essentially this:

                  var stack = [0]
                  while (stack.length) {
                    var i = stack.pop()
                    // do work


                  From the bottom up, I can't see how it should work. This is where I get stuck:

                  function create(i) {  
                    var stack = []
                    stack.push([i, 'open'])
                    stack.push([i, 'close'])
                    while (stack.length) {
                      var node = stack.pop()
                      if (node[1] == 'open') {
                        stack.push([ node[0] + 1, 'open' ])
                        stack.push([ node[0] + 1, 'close' ])
                      } else {
                        // ?? not sure how to get to this point
                        var klass = new Klass(node[0], node[2], node[3])
                        // ??


                  将任何递归代码机械地转换为堆栈机器并非易事.自动状态转换会产生非常复杂的代码,想想 C#-s 或 BabelJS-s 生成器.但可以肯定的是,它可以完成,但您将需要可变堆栈帧和/或寄存器.让我们看看我们面临的问题:

                  It's not trivial to mechanically transform any recursive code into a stack machine. Automatic stateful transformations produce very complex code, just think of C#-s or BabelJS-s generators. But sure, it can be done, but you will need mutable stackframes and/or registers. Let's see the problems we are facing:

                  我们必须在堆栈本身上存储一些状态变量/指令指针.这就是您使用 "open""close" 标记模拟的内容.

                  We have to store some state variable/instruction pointer on the stack itself. This is what you are emulating with the "open" and "close" markers.


                  • 将其存储在临时寄存器中
                  • 向函数传递对字段的引用((对象,字段名)对),模拟 out 参数
                  • 像@CtheSky 那样使用第二个堆栈


                  Using mutable stack frames and a result register the transformed code would look something like this:

                  console.log(JSON.stringify(create(0), null, 2))
                  function Klass(i, l, r) {
                    this.i = i
                    this.l = l
                    this.r = r
                  function Frame(i) {
                    this.ip = 0;
                    this.i = i;
                    this.left = null;
                  function create(i) {
                    var result;
                    var stack = [new Frame(i)];
                    while (stack.length > 0) {
                      var frame = stack[stack.length - 1];
                      switch (frame.ip) {
                        case 0:
                          if (frame.i === 5) {
                            result = undefined;
                          stack.push(new Frame(frame.i + 1));
                          frame.ip = 1;
                        case 1:
                          frame.left = result;
                          stack.push(new Frame(frame.i + 1));
                          frame.ip = 2;
                        case 2:
                          result = new Klass(frame.i, frame.left, result);
                    return result;

                  这篇关于如何在 JavaScript 中将自下而上的递归算法转换为迭代堆栈的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:基于子对象的特定键值以排序顺序迭代 JavaScript 对象 下一篇:React - JSX 语法问题,以及如何使用地图进行迭代并在换行符上显示项目


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